Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ayatullah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri

Wawancara ‘Blak-blakan’ Tentang Isu-isu Persatuan Islam dengan Ayatullah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri

Di sela-sela kesibukan Ayatullah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri (T) sebagai ulama representatif Muslim Syi’ah sedunia dalam ICIS (International Conference of Islamic Scholars II) di Hotel Borobudur, kami, tim majalah SYI’AR (S) mendapatkan kesempatan berharga dan kehormatan bersejarah untuk melakukan wawancara ‘blak-blakan’ dengan anggota Dewan Ahli Republik Islam Iran ini. Berikut transkrip wawancara:

S : Apa perbedaan antara wahdah, ittihad, ukhuwwah dan tauhid al-kalimah?

T : Saya tidak menemukan perbedaan antara istilah-istilah tersebut, wahdah adalah ittihad itu sendiri dan ukhuwwah adalah salah satu pondasi dasar teoritis untuk terelasisasinya persatuan Islam. Jadi, persatuan Islam itu berdiri di atas dasar-dasar, antara lain kesamaan akidah/pandangan dunia dan persaudaraan Islam yang berdiri di atas persaudaraan iman. Namun ada perbedaan antara persatuan dan pendekatan (taqrib) karena pendekatan itu adalah (merujuk pada usaha mendekatkan suatu pemikiran) di antara berbagai pemikiran yang berbeda-beda. Pemikiran itu tidak mungkin menjadi satu, disebabkan oleh perbedaan tingkat intelektual dan perbedaan interpretasi. Maka, apa yang kita maksudkan dengan pendekatan antar pemikiran itu adalah menguak area kesamaan dan meluaskannya agar dapat bekerja sama dalam menerapkan area yang sama tersebut. Adapun wahdah (persatuan) adalah (persatuan) di dalam sikap dan praktik. Artinya, diharapkan agar umat ini memiliki sikap yang satu di saat berhadapan dengan tantangan besar yang datang dari luar dan sikap yang satu dalam hal menyelesaikan problem intern dalam menegakkan syariat dan nilai-nilai akhlak. Ringkasnya, dari satu sisi tidak ada beda antara wahdah dan ittihad. Keduanya berdiri di atas persaudaraan iman yang menjadi pondasi teoritis demi terselenggaranya persatuan Islam.

S : Lawan dari istilah-istilah tersebut kita mendapatkan istilah khilaf dan ikhtilaf? Adakah perbedaan antara keduanya?

T : Mungkin saja kata khilaf ditafsirkan sebagai pertentangan praktis dan amali. Adapun ikhtilaf ditafsirkan sebagai pertentangan teoritis dan pemikiran. Namun saya tidak melihat ada perbedaan substansial di dalam pembahasan dua istilah tersebut. Perbedaan dan pertentangan di dalam pemikiran tidak ada salahnya dan tidak ada teks agama yang menolak adanya perbedaan dalam pemikiran. Sebagaimana saya tidak pernah menemukan teks agama yang menuntut adanya kesamaan pemikiran. Akan tetapi yang tercela dan dilarang oleh agama adalah pertentangan dan perbedaan di dalam tataran praktis. Di saat Allah Swt berfirman, Wa’tashimû bihablillâhi jamîy’ân walâ tafarraqu (berpeganglah pada tali Allah dan janganlah berpecah belah] ingin menekankan adanya kesamaan sikap dalam praktik dan amal dengan berpegang teguh pada tali Allah yang kokoh dan tetap yang merupakan jalan menuju Allah yang bebas dari kesalahan (ma’shum) yang tidak ada perselisihan padanya.

S : Apakah persatuan meniscayakan adanya keyakinan akan kebenaran yang majemuk dan plural?

T : Tidak. Kebenaran itu tunggal. Hanya saja sudut pandang dan metode yang ditempuh berbeda-beda. Kami di dalam agama Islam meyakini, bahwa syariat Islam itu satu. Syariat yang ada di sisi Tuhan adalah tunggal. Namun interpretasi untuk memahami syariat tersebut berbeda-beda. Seorang mujtahid yang melakukan interpretasi bisa salah dan bisa benar. Seperti di dalam hadits disebutkan, bahwa mujtahid yang salah akan mendapatkan satu pahala dan yang benar akan mendapatkan dua pahala. Ini tidak meniscayakan adanya kebenaran yang banyak dan majemuk. Kebenaran atau hakikat adalah kesesuaian antara yang ada di dalam benak kita sebagai konsep dengan realitas yang terjadi di luar. Ini adalah definisi kebenaran. Bila sesuai, maka berarti telah benar dan bila tidak sesuai, maka berarti yang ada di benak kita itulah yang salah dan bukan berarti kebenaran itu berubah dan menjadi banyak. Di sinilah letak kesalahan paham Marxis, di mana mereka menganggap, bahwa perbedaan pandangan atau konsep yang ada di benak kita tentang kebenaran atau hakikat dapat mengubah kebenaran dan hakikat itu sendiri. Karena itu, di saat pandangan manusia berubah-ubah, maka kebenaran itu sendiri juga berubah-ubah. Di saat terjadi perkembangan pada cara berpikir manusia, maka terjadi pula perkembangan dalam hakikat dan kebenaran. Sekali lagi keragaman keyakinan dan praktik amali tidaklah meniscayakan keyakinan akan keragaman kebenaran yang banyak, namun hal itu memberikan makna, bahwa kebenaran itu adalah satu. Hanya saja ada beberapa perbedaan pandangan tentang kebenaran tersebut, sebagiannya benar dan sebagian yang lain salah.

Pluralisme juga memiliki makna adanya saling menghormati antar pemeluk keyakinan yang berbeda-beda. Di dalam al-Quran di Surah Saba’ ayat 24 Allah memerintahkan Nabi saw untuk menyeru kepada orang-orang musyrik saat itu, Dan sesungguhnya kami atau kalian (orang-orang musyrik) pasti berada dalam petunjuk atau dalam kesesatan yang nyata. Ini sama sekali tidak dalam rangka menjelaskan, bahwa kebenaran itu berbilang, namun di dalam dialog ada kalanya Anda yang salah dan ada kalanya saya yang salah. Di dalam ayat berikutnya Allah berfirman, Katakanlah, “Kamu tidak akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas dosa yang kami lakukan dan kami tidak akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas apa yang kamu lakukan. Coba perhatikan! Di dalam ayat ini ada dua hal yang patut kita petik.

Pertama, al-Quran melarang kita—di saat masuk dalam sebuah dialog—untuk mengungkit-ungkit masa lalu dan menuduh dengan perbuatan-perbuatan jelek yang dilakukan dengan mengatakan, ‘Bukankah engkau dulu yang begini dan begini”, sehingga pada akhirnya melupakan pembahasan aslinya dengan mengalihkan pada masalah pribadi.

Kedua, al-Quran mengajarkan kepada kita agar menghormati lawan bicara dengan tidak menganggap apa yang dia lakukan sebagai sebuah kesalahan, sebaliknya kita harus menganggap perbuatan yang kita lakukan sebagai perbuatan jelek (ajramnâ) yakni sesuai dengan pandangan lawan bicara, sedangkan pekerjaan lawan bicara tidak boleh kita anggap sebagai perbuatan jelek, walaupun menurut kita salah. Karena itu, di dalam ayat itu ia menggunakan kata ’amma ta’malûn (apa yang kamu lakukan) padahal lawan bicara Nabi di dalam ayat itu adalah musyrik. Maka, bagaimana jika dia seorang Ahlulkitab bahkan Muslim?

Jadi, persatuan di dalam tataran praktik tidaklah bertentangan dengan keyakinan pluralis, namun haruslah berada di dalam koridor umum. Artinya, haruslah ada aksioma yang general dan diterima oleh semua, seperti keimanan akan satu Tuhan (tauhid) dan keyakinan akan nilai-nilai absolut. Selama berada di dalam koridor tersebut, maka tidak ada larangan untuk terjadi perbedaan pandangan dan pemikiran, bahkan dalam agama sekalipun. Masyarakat Islam bisa hidup bersama pemeluk agama lain dan dapat memberikan hak-hak mereka. Maka, pluralisme adalah suatu hal yang wajar di dalam koridor peradaban, agama, dan mazhab dalam satu agama. Saya tidak melihat hal itu sebagai problem. Malah saya menganggapnya sebagai sebuah keniscayaan dengan masing-masing pemeluknya memiliki jiwa toleransi dengan yang lain serta bekerjasama secara logis.

S : Bagaimana pendapat YM berkenaan dengan isu dan tuduhan yang dilontarkan oleh mereka yang tidak sejalan dengan upaya persatuan, dengan mengatakan, bahwa “persatuan” yang diperjuangkan oleh orang-orang Syi’ah dan Republik Islam Iran memiliki motivasi strategis dan politis bukan dalam rangka memperjuangkannya sebagai bagian dari ajaran Islam?

T : Tuduhan-tuduhan seperti itu sering kali kita dengar dan bukanlah hal yang baru. Sepanjang sejarah kita dapatkan tuduhan-tuduhan murahan seperti itu. Kita harus membedakan antara strategis dan taktik. Strategis adalah upaya yang berkepanjangan dan tetap, sedangkan taktik adalah bersifat sementara dan berubah-ubah. Kita mengakui, bahwa upaya persatuan itu adalah masalah strategis, yakni sebuah garis panjang yang telah digariskan Islam seperti firman Allah dalam Surah Anbiya’ ayat 92: Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua, agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. Begitu juga di dalam Surah al-Mu’minun ayat 52, Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua, agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka bertakwalah kepada-Ku. Artinya, di saat Islam menekankan pentingnya persatuan dan mewajibkan persaudaraan dan di sisi lain membuka pintu kebebasan berijtihad yang konsekuensinya adalah adanya perbedaan dan menentukan batasan-batasan di mana siapa yang berada di dalamnya berarti masuk dalam keluarga besar umat Islam, yakni mereka yang meyakini akan keesaan Tuhan, kenabian Nabi Muhammad saw dan hari akhir serta menerima aturan-aturan Islam yang disepakati, seperti shalat, puasa, haji dan jihad. Mereka yang berada di dalam area ini adalah keluarga besar umat Islam, semuanya memiliki kedudukan yang sama (mutakafiun, mutadhaminun) dan memiliki hak dan tanggung jawab yang sama. Ini yang dikatakan oleh Islam dan bukanlah yang dikatakan oleh Iran atau Syi’ah. Iran dan Syi’ah tidak memiliki perkataan lain. Di saat kita mengajak kepada persatuan dan pendekatan antar mazhab, maka kami tidak menginginkan selain dari hal ini. Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan di dalam salah satu suratnya kepada Amirul Mukminin Ali bin Abi Thalib berkata: “Apa yang Anda sampaikan bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, namun sudah disebutkan oleh al-Quran dan Sunnah Nabi.” Imam Ali menjawab, “Itu adalah kebanggaanku, di mana apa yang aku sampaikan adalah sesuai dengan al-Quran dan sabda Rasulullah. Aku memang tidak memiliki sesuatu yang lain selain dari apa yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah di dalam al-Quran dan apa yang telah disabdakan oleh Nabi saw. Engkau bermaksud untuk mencela diriku namun, itu adalah penghormatan dan pujian bagiku.”

Republik Islam Iran memang tidak memperjuangkan sesuatu yang baru. Segala apa yang diperjuangkan adalah dari dalam al-Quran dan Sunnah. Kelompok Salafi dan kelompok yang mengkafirkan kelompok lain yang sering melakukan tuduhan seperti di atas, mereka sendirilah yang telah keluar dari logika Islam dan al-Quran di saat mereka mengafirkan orang yang tidak kafir dan menuduh orang yang tidak tertuduh. Kami meyakini, bahwa siapa yang mengimani rukun Islam dan iman, maka ia telah masuk di dalam kesatuan umat Islam sekalipun belum pernah mengamalkan ajaran Islam. Di sisi lain, kami mengajak untuk melakukan pendekatan antara mazhab-mazhab Islam dan makna pendekatan itu bukanlah meleburkan semua mazhab menjadi satu atau melakukan campur aduk antar ajaran mazhab yang berbeda-beda. Namun pendekatan mazhab yang ingin kami realisasikan adalah menyingkap area persamaan, memperluasnya, dan bekerja sama dalam melaksanakan yang disepakati tersebut dan saling memahami dan memaafkan atas perbedaan yang dimiliki. Apakah ini sesuatu yang keluar dari garis dan koridor Islam? Islam menyuruh kita untuk mencari titik temu dengan Ahlulkitab, seperti firman-Nya dalam Ali Imran 64: Katakanlah: "Hai Ahli Kitab, marilah (berpegang) kepada suatu kalimat (ketetapan) yang tidak ada perselisihan antara kami dan kamu, bahwa tidak kita sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatu pun dan tidak (pula) sebagian kita menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain Allah. Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah kepada mereka: "Saksikanlah, bahwa kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah)". Saya meyakini, bahwa ayat ini menyuruh kita untuk mencari area persamaan dengan orang musyrik sekalipun, tidak hanya Ahlulkitab. Artinya, jika memang ada titik-titik persamaan dengan orang-orang musyrik, maka wajib kita cari titik-titik persamaan tersebut. Tentunya lebih-lebih lagi kita harus mencari titik-titik temu antara kaum Muslimin sendiri. Inilah yang kami perjuangkan di dalam upaya melakukan pendekatan dan dialog antar mazhab. Adapun upaya merealisasikan persatuan Islam itu agar umat Islam bersatu dalam menghadapi musuh bersama. Apakah Islam tidak menginginkan demikian? Artinya, apakah Islam menyuruh kita untuk bercerai berai dalam rangka menghadapi musuh kalian? Apakah Islam menyuruh kita bercerai-berai dalam menyelesaikan problem internal dan penting umat Islam? Saya benar-benar tidak dapat memahami perkataan dan tuduhan mereka, kecuali salah satu kemungkinan berikut: (1) karena kebodohan mereka dan memang mayoritas mereka demikian; (2) karena fanatisme mereka dan mayoritas mereka memang demikian (3) karena kepentingan politik (4) karena mereka merupakan kaki tangan musuh-musuh Islam.

S : Sebagaimana masyhur di kalangan ulama ushul fikih dan hadis Syi’ah, bahwa salah satu solusi untuk keluar dari kemelut adanya dua hadis yang bertentangan adalah pertentangannya dengan pendapat umum “mukhalafatul ‘ammah” bahkan di dalam kitab al-Kâfî disebutkan, bahwa “Da ‘uw ma yuwafiqul qaum fainnar- rusydu fiy khilafihim” artinya hadis yang sesuai dengan pendapat umum (Ahlusunnah) itu adalah salah dan yang tidak sama dengan mereka itu adalah yang dapat diambil dan diamalkan. apakah ini tidak bertentangan dengan upaya wahdah dan taqrib?

T : Sama sekali tidak. Sebab yang dimaksudkan dengan kata ‘ammah dalam hadis tersebut bukanlah ulama Ahlusunnah. Namun para ulama kerajaanlah yang memproduksi fatwa itu sesuai dengan keinginan raja. Sebagai bukti atas hal itu, hadis tersebut disampaikan oleh Imam Ja`far Shadiq as dan saat itu belum ada mazhab-mazhab Ahlusunnah yang empat. Jadi, maksud dari kaidah dan hadis tersebut adalah di saat kita menemukan ada dua hadis yang bertentangan dan kedua-duanya dari Imam Ahlulbait, yang satu menyuruh dan yang satu lagi melarang. Tentu, hanya satu di antara keduanya yang betul dan tidak mungkin betul kedua-keduanya. Salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan problem itu dan memastikan mana yang benar di antara dua perintah dan larangan tersebut adalah dengan mengambil yang bertentangan dengan yang difatwakan oleh ulama kerajaan. Sebab yang sesuai dengan fatwa mereka memiliki kemungkinan Imam as menyampaikannya dalam rangka taqiyah itu. (Harus kita ingat) kondisi dan tekanan yang dialami Imam, meniscayakan Imam untuk bertaqiyah dengan menyatakan yang bersesuaian dengan fatwa mereka. Sebaliknya, yang bertentangan dengan fatwa mereka, maka tidak ada kemungkinan hal itu disampaikan oleh Imam dalam rangka taqiyah. Kesimpulannya, kaidah ini sangat jauh dari yang dipahami sebagian orang dan pada akhirnya tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip pendekatan dan persatuan antar mazhab.

S: Dalam ilmu hadis Syi’ah, kita tahu bahwa ada perbedaan penerimaan ulama antara perawi Sunni dengan Syi’ah. Bagaimana komentar YM?

T: Memang betul hal itu terjadi. Namun bukan berarti setiap hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh non-Syi’ah itu harus ditolak. Karena itu kita kenal ada istilah hadis muwatstsaq yaitu hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh para perawi adil non-Syi’ah. Hadis muwatstsaq itu dapat dipergunakan (hujjah) sebagaimana ada istilah lain yang dikenal dengan “maqbulah”. Sungguh sebuah kesalahan besar apa yang dikatakan sebagian orang bahwa Syi’ah hanya menerima hadis-hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh para perawi Syi’ah saja atau Ahlulbait saja. Yang benar setiap hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh para perawi adil, baik Syi’ah atau bukan, dari Ahlulbait atau bukan, yang penting periwayatannya bersambung hingga seorang maksum (Rasul atau Ahlulbaitnya). Sekali lagi saya ingin tegaskan, bahwa jika ada hadis, sabda Nabi yang diriwayatkan oleh para perawi adil non-Syi’ah, maka kami menerimanya. Begitu juga hadis yang disabdakan oleh para Imam Ahlulbait dan diriwayatkan oleh para perawi adil non-Syi’ah.

S: Ada keragaman metode dan cara yang dilakukan oleh beberapa teman ustadz atau mubalig dalam mengenalkan mazhab Ahlulbait kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Ada yang masuk dari pintu sejarah, maka melakukan kajian historis yang meniscayakan adanya pembahasan tentang sahabat dan para khalifah serta kesalahan-kesalahan mereka. Sebagian lain melakukan kajian masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan fikih yang diperselisihkan, seperti shalat tarawih, mut’ah dan sebagainya. Sekelompok yang lain menggunakan pendekatan doa dan kadangkala masuk dari kanal politik. Sebagai seorang yang berpengalaman dalam hal ini, manakah di antara metode-metode tersebut yang Anda rekomendasikan kepada kami?

T : Secara pribadi saya tidak setuju adanya upaya untuk mengubah mazhab seseorang dan demografi mazhab. Saya meyakini, hendaknya kita tidak mengambil kesempatan kelengahan orang lain. Namun, pada saat yang sama saya meyakini, bahwa hal itu bukan berarti menutup pintu pembahasan dan dialog. Memang benar telah terjadi perselisihan dan perbedaan pandangan antara Sunnah dan Syi’ah dalam masalah-masalah teologi, historis, dan fikih. Akhir-akhir ini juga dalam masalah politik. Ketika kita berupaya untuk melakukan pendekatan, artinya kita membuka pintu lebar-lebar agar para ulama yang memiliki keahlian di bidangnya masing-masing duduk bersama untuk melakukan pembahasan. Di bidang sejarah misalnya, apakah masalah A itu pernah terjadi atau tidak? Apakah sahabat semuanya adil? Apakah Ahlulbait semuanya maksum, semua itu sebagai pembahasan sejarah haruslah diserahkan kepada ahlinya. Di dalam masalah akidah juga demikian para ulama membahas apakah sifat Allah itu menyatu dengan zat-Nya ataukah tidak? Apakah dalil tentang kemaksuman Nabi—baik rasional atau tekstual—mencakup adanya keterpeliharaannya dari kesalahan, dosa dan lupa ataukah hanya keterpeliharaan dari dosa dan maksiat saja? Begitu pula di bidang fikih, apakah mut’ah itu halal dan kemudian diharamkan (kembali) oleh Rasul atau tidak? Apakah Nabi melakukan shalat tarawih ataukah tidak? Siapa yang memulainya? Khalifah Umar atau lainnya? Apakah sunnah (ajaran yang dicontohkan) oleh para khalifah adalah seperti sunnah Rasul yang harus diikuti? Semua itu harus diserahkan kepada yang memiliki keahlian di bidangnya, karena merekalah yang lebih berkompeten dan memiliki sarana untuk membahas hal itu. Apakah riwayatnya sahih atau tidak? Apakah konteks hadis tersebut bisa dipahami (hujjah) demikian atau tidak? Bagaimana menyelesaikan perselisihan dan pertentangan dua hadis yang berbeda? Jika mereka dapat menghasilkan kesepakatan paham, alhamdulillah. Jika tidak, maka hendaknya masing-masing saling menghormati. Sangat tidak layak secara akademis jika seorang awam, pedagang yang sehari-hari di pasar membahas hal itu dengan sesama pedagangnya atau dengan sopir taksi misalnya. Itu adalah masalah-masalah yang para ulama telah berselisih pendapat sejak 1200 tahun yang lalu. Yang ingin saya tekankan di sini—seperti yang saya sampaikan dalam pertemuan di Universitas az-Zahra dan Konferensi ICIS II—adalah, bahwa Islam sangat menekankan pada kekuatan logika. Karena itu, semua pembahasan itu haruslah di bawah naungan logika tersebut dan jika terdapat yang keluar dari jalur logika maka ia telah keluar dari garis Islam. Saya sebagai seorang ahli fikih, misalnya, jika melakukan berbagai upaya untuk “menipu” dan menarik simpati seorang awam yang tidak banyak tahu tentang masalah fikih kemudian menariknya ikut dan bergabung dengan mazhab yang saya yakini, maka saya telah melanggar kode etik logis. Begitu juga seorang ahli sejarah yang membahas masalah sejarah yang diyakininya di depan seorang awam. Metode logis adalah ketika keduanya duduk sesama ahlinya dan selevel secara akademis kemudian masuk dalam pembahasan dengan hati terbuka dan tujuan yang baik dan saling menghormati seperti yang terkandung dalam ayat di atas. Selain itu hendaknya tidak memperkeruh atmosfer dengan hal-hal lain. Di zaman Nabi beliau dituduh dengan tuduhan gila, tukang sihir, dan tuduhan-tuduhan lain. Tentu dalam kondisi seperti itu Nabi tidak mungkin untuk membantahnya dengan mengatakan, ‘saya tidak gila dengan argumentasi berikut; satu, dua, tiga,…’ Atmosfernya adalah atmosfer tuduhan bukan pembahasan. Karenanya tidak ada jalan lain kecuali menghilangkan kondisi yang demikian dan menggantikannya dengan atmosfer baru yang kondusif untuk pembahasan ilmiah dan logis. Allah memerintahkan Nabi saw untuk menyeru mereka dengan firman-Nya, Qul innamaa a’idhukum bi wahidah an taqumu lillaahi matsnan wa furada tsumma tatafakkaru ma bishahibikum min jinnah, artinya “marilah kita jadikan Allah sebagai saksi kita dan kita duduk sendiri-sendiri atau berdua-berdua, baru kemudian setelah itu kalian mengolah pikiran kalian bahwa sahabat kalian ini tidaklah gila,” namun seorang yang berakal sehat, tulus, jujur. Ini yang pertama. Yang kedua apa yang disampaikan oleh Nabi itu adalah sebuah perkataan yang penuh hikmah dan logis. Bagaimana mungkin yang demikian disampaikan oleh seorang gila? Kesimpulannya haruslah diciptakan atmosfer pembahasan yang kondusif dan kekuatan logikalah yang menjadi lokomotifnya. Bahkan bukan hanya sesama Muslim atau Ahlulkitab, namun dengan seluruh manusia apa pun agama dan mazhabnya. Dan hal itu berlaku juga dalam pembahasan di bidang-bidang lain. Sangat tidak mungkin seorang pakar fisika melakukan diskusi dengan seorang pelajar yang baru duduk di bangku kelas satu SD.

S : Namun di saat pembahasan kadang-kadang seorang mubalig atau ustadz mendapatkan tantangan untuk masuk ke dalam masalah-masalah sejarah yang konsekuensinya harus membongkar file-file tentang sahabat. Apakah kita harus melayaninya atau meninggalkannya?

T: Menurut hemat kami seorang juru dakwah haruslah menghindari masalah-masalah yang menimbulkan sensitivitas di kalangan Muslimin, khususnya dalam masalah-masalah yang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan kehidupan kita saat ini. Perhatikan seberapa besar urgensi membahas siapa yang berhak untuk menjadi pemimpin setelah wafatnya Rasulullah, apakah Abu Bakar atau Ali? Apa manfaat jawaban dan hasil dari pembahasan itu bagi kehidupan kita saat ini? Almarhum Ayatullah Uzhma Sayid Burujurdi pernah berkata, “Daripada kaum Muslimin membahas siapa yang lebih berhak menjadi khalifah setelah Rasulullah dan menimbulkan perselisihan berkepanjangan tanpa akhir, sebaiknya mereka membahas siapa yang lebih berhak untuk menjadi rujukan umat dalam hal keilmuan setelah Rasulullah.” Hal itu hampir menjadi kesepakatan ulama dan umat Islam. Bukankah semua Muslim dari mazhab apa pun dia, selalu menyebut Ali dengan sebutan imam? Para khalifah pun mengakui keluasan dan kedalaman ilmu Imam Ali. Mereka menyelesaikan problem yang dihadapi dengan meminta tolong kepada Imam Ali. Ilmu-ilmu Imam Ali dan Ahlulbait yang lain juga membuktikan hal itu. Begitu pula hadis-hadis Nabi tentang mereka, seperti ‘Aliyyun ma’al haq wal haqqu ma’a ‘Aliy (Ali bersama kebenaran dan kebenaran bersama Ali), Inni tarikun fikumuts tsaqalayn kitabullah wa ‘itratiy ahlu baytiy (Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian dua perkara yang berat: kitabullah dan itrah-ku, Ahlulbaitku) dan lain-lain. Semua itu menunjukkan bahwa merekalah poros keilmuan. Kita sisihkan saja pembahasan bahwa mereka merupakan poros dan rujukan masalah-masalah politik dan kepemimpinan setelah Rasul. Alasannya, selain hal itu tidak berhubungan langsung dengan kehidupan kita saat ini juga rentan menimbulkan perpecahan di kalangan kaum Muslimin.

Poin penting lain yang perlu dilakukan oleh para juru dakwah dalam memperkenalkan mazhab Ahlulbait adalah dengan menyampaikan hadis, keindahan sabda-sabda penuh hikmah mereka, yang mereka sendiri menyebutnya dengan “mahasina kalamina (ucapan-ucapan indah kami).”

S: Apakah yang Anda sampaikan tadi meniscayakan kita menutup semua pembahasan sejarah, seperti kasus ‘pembakaran rumah’, perampasan tanah Fadak dan sejenisnya?

T: Menurut hemat saya, harus dibedakan antara ceramah umum dan pembahasan ilmiah. Hal itu tidak layak dan bahkan tidak boleh untuk disampaikan pada forum pertama namun bisa saja menjadi pembahasan ilmiah antar ahli sejarah. Kalau kita mau meneliti kehidupan Ahlulbait, kita tidak akan menemukan data yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka mengetengahkan kasus Fadak dalam ceramah dan diskusi mereka, kecuali di saat persitiwa itu terjadi saja semenjak Imam Ali, Imam Hasan hingga Imam Kedua Belas, karena hal itu merupakan kasus historis yang sangat parsial. Kami meyakini masih banyak masalah positif lain yang bisa disampaikan dalam rangka memperkenalkan Ahlulbait. Itu tentu jauh lebih baik dan produktif.

S : Bagaimana pandangan Anda terhadap upacara dan ritual yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Syiah di Iran dan di tempat lain, khususnya pada hari-hari Asyura yang kadangkala menyebabkan saudara-saudara kita dari Ahlussunnah merasa “risih” dan mengecamnya, seperti memukul kepala dengan pedang dan pisau, memukul-mukul dada dengan rantai hingga berdarah-darah?

T: Sebagian dari yang mereka lakukan, seperti menangis dan bersedih atas duka yang menimpa Ahlulbait adalah hal yang wajar. Banyak teks hadis yang menguatkan agar kita bersedih ketika Ahlulbait bersedih dan bergembira disaat mereka bergembira. Sebagian lain dari praktik-praktik itu merupakan ekspresi spontan (floklori). Setiap bangsa memiliki cara tersendiri untuk mengekspresikan kesedihannya. Misalnya, sebagian bangsa mengenakan baju hitam, sebagian yang lain menutup segala sesuatu dengan kain hitam, membuat makanan khusus dan membagi-bagikannya kepada yang membutuhkan. Semua ekspresi tersebut, selama tidak mengandung unsur-unsur yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, maka tidak dilarangan.

Islam tidak pernah melarang adat istiadat dan budaya suatu bangsa yang tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, seperti memberikan makanan pada fakir miskin, menampakkan kesedihan, tidak tertawa pada hari-hari Asyura, bahkan sebagian tidak merayakan akad nikah karena menghormati Imam Husain. Semua masalah ini adalah wajar-wajar saja dan saya tidak mendapatkan adanya larangan.

Satu hal lagi, kita tidak boleh ekstrim seperti sebagian salafiah yang mengatakan bahwa segala sesuatu harus ada contohnya di zaman Rasulullah. Menurut kami tidak harus begitu, sebab banyak dari masalah yang masuk dalam area mubah, sekalipun kita beri merek agamis. Seperti yang saya contohkan sebelumnya, misalnya tidak melakukan perayaan akad nikah di hari-hari Asyura atau Muharram demi penghormatan kepada Imam Husain.

Kecuali itu, melakukan hal-hal yang membahayakan bagi diri sendiri atau melakukan upacara-upacara yang dinisbahkan kepada agama, atau melakukan hal-hal aneh dan “risih”, semua itu tidak pernah diajarkan oleh Islam. Saya meyakini hal itu sebagai bid’ah dan penyelewengan yang tidak pernah diajarkan oleh wahyu dan tuntunan Allah SWT. Melukai diri, memukul kepala dengan pedang, berjalan di atas kobaran api dan sejenisnya yang biasa dilakukan oleh orang-orang awam dan jika kita melihat juga ada ulama yang melakukannya, maka itu semua termasuk ujian yang dihadapinya dari penyakit awam. Sebenarnya hal itu tidak hanya terbatas pada apa yang dilakukan oleh umat Syiah saja, namun juga mencakup apa yang dilakukan oleh sebagian ahlussunnah atau kaum sufi.

S : Apakah menjadi keharusan untuk kita memperingati hari-hari besar keagaamaan seperti Asyura atau lainnya dengan mencontoh apa yang dilakukan di suatu negara tertentu dan kita terapkan di Indonesia secara seratus persen?

T : Seharusnya kalian memperhatikan budaya umum masyarakat Indonesia dan penerimaan mereka. Pokok penting yang mesti dipegang teguh adalah menjelaskan kesedihan kepada masyarakat kita bahwa kita memasuki hari-hari sedih Ahlulbait, tidak lebih dari itu.

S : Sebagian hadis dari jalur Ahlulbait kita dapatkan memiliki nuansa kultus yang berlebihan atau yang sering disebut dengan “ghuluw” begitu juga hal-hal yang aneh dan terkesan tidak logis sering dijumpai di situ. Bagiamana YM menyikapinya?

T : Sebagai sebuah kaidah umum tanpa menyebutkan riwayat ini dan itu secara khusus, secara umum semua riwayat haruslah diteliti keshahihan sanadnya, haruslah diketahui siapa yang meriwayatkannya, apakah bisa diterima atau tidak? Jujur atau tidak? Betapa banyak riwayat yang sanadnya lemah (dhaif) baik di dalam kitab-kitab hadis Ahlussunnah atau Syiah. Hadis-hadis semacam itu tidaklah bernilai, kecuali memiliki penguat lain, seperti misalnya, secara pribadi saya kadang-kadang menemukan sebuah hadis yang sangat memiliki kesesuaian dengan kata hati kecil (wijdan), maka saya menerimanya walaupun sanadnya belum jelas. Namun saya tidak berani menisbahkannya kepada Ahlulbait atau Rasulullah.

Saya menemukan sebeuah teks yang sangat indah maknanya; Al ‘uqul aimmatul afkar, wal afkar aimmatul quluub, wal quluub aimmatul hawaas, wal hawaas aimmatul a’dha’. Artinya, akal adalah pemandu pemikiran. Pemikiran pemandu hati. Hati pemandu indera dan indera pemandu anggota tubuh yang lain. Sungguh ini sebuah realitas. Setiap orang yang merenungkannya akan menerimanya. Coba renungkan setiap orang yang berakal kemudian menggunakan akalnya, niscaya dia akan menghasilkan pemikiran-pemikiran. Pemikiran tersebut nantinya akan memberi pengaruh pada sisi emosional kita, maka pemikiran itu pemandu hati sebagai pusat emosional. Hati, dengan kekuatan emosionalnya akan mempengaruhi indera yang pada akhirnya ia akan menggerakkan anggota tubuh yang lain untuk menghasilkan sebuah aksi. Hadis semacam ini sekalipun sanadnya mursal (tidak bersambung pada Nabi atau Ahlulbait) dan tidak dalam rangka menetapkan sebuah kewajiban (taklif) atau meniadakan kewajiban, namun ia menceritakan sebuah realitas, maka tidak ada salahnya kita menerimanya.

Sekali lagi, setiap hadis haruslah diperjelas dan diteliti sanad periwayatannya di mana pun kita temukan hadis-hadis tersebut. Tidak semua hadis pasti “shahih” sekalipun Al-Kafi yang ditulis oleh ulama besar hadis, Al-Kulaini. Bahkan banyak para ulama yang mengatakan bahwa di dalam kitab Al-Kafi, lebih dari setengah kandungannya dhaif. Al-Majlisi meyakini lebih dari 2/3 dari hadis Al-Kafi dhaif. Padahal Al-Majlisi tergolong ulama hadis yang tidak terlalu ketat dalam menerima periwayatan hadis. Maka semua hadis itu haruslah tunduk pada metode penelitian sanad.

Kemudian, kita harus meneliti isi dan apa yang dapat dipahami dari hadis tersebut (dilalah). Jika ia bertentangan dengan hukum akal yang jelas dan pasti, maka ia tidak bisa diterima, seperti hadis yang menerangkan tentang kebendaan (tajsiym) Allah Swt. Selanjutnya hadis yang dapat diterima harus yang tidak bertentangan dengan yang sudah masyhur, seperti yang disabdakan oleh Imam Ali as atau salah seorang Ahlulbait yang lain, “Hendaklah kalian mengambil hadis yang telah masyhur di kalangan kalian dan tinggalkanlah yang tidak demikian (ganjil/ syadz).” Jadi, hadis yang isinya terkesan menyalahi yang sudah masyhur, minimal harus diragukan kabsahannya.

Setiap yang masyhur, serta menjadi kesepakatan di dalam banyak hadis shahih dan di kalangan ulama bahwa Ahlulbait menolak segala bentuk penghormatan yang terkesan berlebihan (ghuluw) mereka selalu menjelaskan, bahwa diri mereka adalah hamba-hamba Allah yang saleh tidak pernah melanggar perintah Allah (maksiat), selalu mengajak kepada sikap wara’ dan kasih sayang sesama. Maka, segala sesuatu yang melebihi hal itu, haruslah ditolak, apalagi jika sanad hadisnya dhaif atau merupakan ucapan seorang ulama yang berangkat dari sisi emosional belaka. Apalagi sekedar untaian para penyair. Imam Ali bersabda, “Celaka dua golongan; yang belebihan dalam mencintaiku dan yang berlebihan dalam membenciku.” Ada seorang yang datang menemui Imam Ja’far Shadiq dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ada seseorang yang meyakini bahwa dirinya tidak perlu beramal karena kecintaan kepada Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib telah menggugurkan segala kewajiban dan amal baik. Imam Ja’far Shadiq berkata kepadanya, “Apakah taklif Imam Ali digugurkan darinya sehingga orang lain yang mencintai juga demikian? Jika Imam Ali sendiri tidak demikian, apalagi orang lain yang hanya berdalih telah mencintainya? Itu semua adalah ghuluw dan penyimpangan.”

S : Anda salah seorang murid Syahid Muhammad Baqir As Sadr, adakah pandangan khusus atau praktik khusus yang beliau contohkan kepada kita di dalam masalah ini (persatuan umat)?

T : Sebenarnya apa yang kami kemukakan adalah intisari dari pandangan para guru kami, Sayyid Burujurdi, imam Khomeini dan lebih khusus yang mulia Alm. Sayyid Muhammad Baqir As Sadr, sebagai bukti atas hal itu, beliau melarang bukunya yang membahas Fadak untuk dicetak dengan dalih bahwa beliau menuliskannya ketika berusia masih sangat belia dan kondisinya belum stabil.

S : Terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan, khususnya sumbangsih pemikiran-pemikiran YM yang sangat berharga bagi kami semua dan jangan lupa mendoakan kami!

T: Saya akan mendoakan kalian dan semua muballigh agar Allah memberikan taufik-Nya untuk menyebarkan ajaran Ahlulbait as. Sebagaimana saya selalu berdoa untuk kemakmuran dan kejayaan Indonesia. Terakhir saya berharap kalian pun tidak lupa mendoakan saya.

Pewancara: Muhsin Labib dan Abdullah Beik
Editor: Arif Mulyadi dan Anwar M. Aris

Monday, October 30, 2006

Siapa Racun Rasulullah SAW?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It is well known that the Prophet Muhammad died a martyr due to poison brought to him by “a jewish woman”. Well who is this woman, and when did she give him the poison, and how?

Allah says: وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ

Shakir 3:144] And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels?

Rasulullah says: “There is no Prophet or Wasi except a shaheed”
(بصائر الدرجات ص 148 وبحار الأنوار ج 17 ص 405)

Imam Jaafar ibn Muhammad al Sadiq says: “There is not one of us except poisoned or killed”

(كفاية الأثر للخراز القمي ص 162 وبحار الأنوار ج 45 ص 1 ومن لا يحضره الفقيه ج 4 ص 17)

Al Shaabi said: By Allah, Rasulullah was poisoned.
وقال الشعبي: والله لقد سم رسول الله. (مستدرك الحاكم ج 3 ص 60).

Now it is apparent that the Prophet died a martyr of poison. Let us look at some hadiths about the Prophet, during the last moments before his death.

It is narrated in Tareekh al Tabari, from aisha that she said: we fed Rasulullah in his illness, so he said: “Do not feed me”, so we said: the patient hates his medicine. So when he woke up he said: “There is not one person who didn’t feed me except al Abbas, for he does not witness you.”

جاء عن عائشة: لددنا (قمنا بتطعيم) رسول الله في مرضه. فقال: (لا تلدوني). فقلنا: كراهية المريض للدواء. فلما أفاق قال (لا يبقى منكم أحد إلا لد غير العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (تاريخ الطبري ج 2 ص 438).

It is also narrated that they fed Rasulullah, so when he woke up he said: “Who did this to me?” so they said: Your uncle al Abbas. So Rasulullah said: “It is from the shaytan, and Allah will not allow him to control me, and there is no one in the house who didn’t feed me except my uncle al Abbas, for he does not witness you”.

وجاء أيضا: إنا لنرى برسول الله ذات الجنب فهلموا فلنلده ، فلدوه. فلما أفاق رسول الله قال: (من فعل بي هذا)؟ قالوا: عمك العباس تخوّف أن يكون بك ذات الجنب. فقال رسول الله: (إنها من الشيطان، وما كان الله ليسلطه علي، لا يبقى في البيت أحد إلا لددتموه إلا عمي العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (معجم ما استعجم لعبد الله الأندلسي ص 142).

And another hadith: aisha said: we fed Rasulullah in his illness so he started pointing at us and saying do not feed me, so we said: the patient hates his medicine. So he said: “There is no one in this house who didn’t feed me, except al Abbas for he does not witness you.”

وجاء أيضا: قالت عائشة: لددنا رسول الله في مرضه فجعل يشير إلينا أن لا تلدوني فقلنا: كراهية المريض للدواء. فقال: (لا يبقى أحد في البيت إلا لد، وأنا أنظر إلا العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (صحيح البخاري ج 7 ص 17 وصحيح مسلم ج 7 ص 24 و ص 198).

And al Sanadi says in his explanation of al Bukhari: the meaning of the Prophet’s saying: “There is no one in the house who didn’t feed me” as a blaming against them for doing something that he had ordered not to do.

ويقول السندي في شرح البخاري: معنى قوله (صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم): (لا يبقى أحد في البيت إلا لد) عقوبة لهم بتركهم امتثال نهيه عن ذلك. (شرح السندي لصحيح البخاري ج 3 ص 95).

And the Prophet had ordered them to not feed him, as it is narrated that he said to them after they gave him that so called medicine: “Didn’t I order you not to feed me?!”

وكان الرسول (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) قد أمر القوم بأن لا يلدوه، إذ روي أنه قال لهم بعد سقيه إياهم ذلك الدواء المزعوم: (ألم أنهكم أن لا تلدوني)؟! (الطب النبوي لابن القيم الجوزي ج 1 ص 66).

And after they fed the Prophet, he said about aisha: woe to her to dare do what she did!

وبعد قيامهم بلد النبي، قال (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) عن عائشة: (ويحها لو تستطيع ما فعلت)! (الطبقات لابن سعد ج 2 ص 203).

And these narrations show us from the books of the sunna, that there was a plan going on, which was to murder the Prophet, and give him poison while pretending that it is medicine for him! It is apparent how they had waited until he was asleep, and they passed the poison to him under the excuse that it is medicine, and when the Prophet woke up he angrily asked who fed him, and they tried to put the blame on his uncle al Abbas in an obvious way to take the blame away from themselves, but the Prophet knew the truth for his knowledge of the unseen, so he claimed the innocence of his uncle al Abbas, and he blamed them and called it an action of shaytan.
And let us keep in mind, Rasulullah never speaks out of fun.

And let us also remember, that this had taken place right after the Prophet had said lanatollah on abo bakr and omar for leaving the army of Osama..

وكان النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) قد لعن المتخلفين عن جيش أسامه إذ قال: (لعن الله المتخلفين عن جيش أسامة). وقد ثبت أن الرجلين (ابو بكر وعمر) كانا من الذين تخلفوا عن الجيش. (شرح النهج لابن أبي الحديد ج 6 ص 52).

And the Prophet had time after time pointed to the house of aisha and said: “Here is the fitna, here is the fitna, here is the fitna. From here the horn of the shaytan will come out!”

ولطالما أشار النبي إلى مسكن عائشة وقال: (هاهنا الفتنة. هاهنا الفتنة. هاهنا الفتنة. من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان)! (صحيح البخاري ج 4 ص 92 وسنن الترمذي ج 2 ص 257 وصحيح مسلم ج 8 ص 172).

Al Ayyashi has reported in strong sanad that Imam Jaafar al Sadeq has stated that aisha and hafsa have killed Rasulullah with poison.

قد أسند العياشي إلى أبي عبد الله جعفر الصادق (ع) أنه قال :"تدرون مات النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أو قتل ؟ إن الله يقول : (أفإن مات أو قتل انقلبتم على أعقابكم) فسم قبل الموت ، إنهما سقتاه (زاد الكاشاني : "يعني المرأتين لعنهما الله وأبويهما" تفسير الصافي 1/305) قبل الموت، فقلنا : إنهما وأبويهما شر من خلق الله"(تفسير العياشي 1/200 وانظر تفسير الصافي للكاشاني 1/305 والبرهان للبحراني 1/320 وبحار الأنوار للمجلسي 6/504، 8/6).
ووصف المجلسي :"إن العياشي روى بسند معتبر عن الصادق(ع) أن عائشة و حفصة لعنة الله عليهما وعلى أبويهما قتلتا رسول الله بالسم دبرتاه"(حياة القلوب للمجلسي 2/700).
(راجع تفسير القمي ط حجرية ص 340 ، ط حديثة 2/375 – 376. وانظر الصراط المستقيم للبياضي 3/168- 169 . وشرح نهج البلاغة لابن أبي الحديد 2/457 . وإحقاق الحق للتستري ص 308 وتفسير الصافي للكاشاني 2/716-717. والبرهان للبحراني 1/320 ، 4/352- 353 والأنوار النعمانية للجزائري 4/336-337).

In conclusion, this is not strange for the woman who waged a war against Imam Ali, attacked the funeral of Imam Hasan, and had lived her life with jelousy against Ahlul Bayt.

There is a sunni hadith (from ibn kathir) as such:

After the battle of khaybar had taken place, a jewish woman zaynab bint al hareth (who was the sister of marhab the jew) gifted the Prophet a sheep filled with poison.
So the Prophet said to his companions: "catch her! for it is poisoned!"
so the Prophet called the woman and asked her: "what made you do so?"
so she said: "I wanted to know if you are really a Prophet, so you would know that it is poison and not eat. and if you are a liar then i would have saved the people from you."
so the Prophet was merciful to her.

تقول الرواية: في السنة السابعة وبعد معركة خيبر أهدت زينب بنت الحارث (وهي أخت مرحب الذي قتله الإمام علي عليه السلام) للنبي (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) شاة مصلية مسمومة. فقال النبي لأصحابه: (أمسكوا فإنها مسمومة). واستدعى النبي المرأة اليهودية وقال لها: ما حملك على ما صنعت؟ فقالت: أردت أن أعلم إن كنت نبيا فسيطلعك الله عليه، وإن كنت كاذبا أريح الناس منك! فعفا عنها رسول الرحمة (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). (تاريخ ابن كثير ج 4 ص 209 وفتح الباري ج 7 ص 497).

so now we use our brain. lets suppose the hadith is true.

first of all, it is obvious from the hadith that the Prophet knew it was poison, and he didnt eat from the poisoned food.

secondly, lets say he got poisoned. what kind of poison will remain in his body for 4 years, and then take effect?

so here we conclude with certainty, that this poison could not have killed Rasulullah.

so if it isnt this poison, then which poison was it? it is very obvious in fact. theres nothing much to argue about.

My condolences to the Imam of the time for the great oppression against his grandfather, the Seal of Prophets Muhammad صلى الله عليه واله وسلم

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eidul Fitri

Suatu nama yang sering menceriakan, Eidul Fitri disambut oleh umat islam diserata dunia sebagai, menurut pendapat ramai, kejayaan meraikan sempurnanya ibadah Ramadhan yang dilaksanakan selama sebulan. Eidul Fitri, menurut mereka, adalah hari kemenangan melawan godaan hawa nafsu yang dilalui umat islam selama menjalani ibadah puasa Ramadhan.

Namun, Eidul Fitri yang bermaksud kembali kepada Fitrah sebenarnya mempunyai maksud yang jauh lebih mendalam daripada yang dinyatakan di atas. Allah berfirman di dalam kitabNya:

“Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama (Allah); (tetaplah atas) Fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut Fitrah itu. Tidak ada perubahan pada Fitrah Allah. (itulah) agama yang lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.” (Surah Ar-Rum: 30)

Kata Fitrah di dalam ayat di atas berasal daripada kata akar Fathir, salah satu daripada nama Allah yang bermakna mencipta tanpa contoh. Nama puteri tercinta Nabi Saaw, Fathimah juga berasal dari kata akar Fathir. Ini bermakna, Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang dengannya manusia itu diciptakan. Fathimah adalah ibu yang menurutnyalah manusia wujud.

Tatkala Nabi Saaw, yang oleh Al-Quran dinyatakan sebagai : “Ucapannya itu tiada lain melainkan wahyu yang diwahyukan (kepadanya)” (Surah An-Najm: 4.) Berbicara tentang Fathimah, Baginda bersabda: “Fathimah adalah ibu kepada ayahnya” (Al Istia’ab, Ibn Abd Barr) yang bermaksud bahawa Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang wujud sebagai ibu di dalam kewujudan Rasulullah Saaw itu sendiri. Dan seperti itulah juga bagi setiap manusia lainnya, kewujudan Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang terpendam di dalam jiwa-jiwa mereka tetapi “kebanyakan manusia tidak menyedarinya” (Surah Ar-Rum: 30.)

Lantaran itu, Eidul Fitri ataupun kembali kepada Fitrah bermaksud kembali kepada Fathimah, iaitu kembali kepada menghidupkan pendaman keibuan yang ditanamkan ke dalam jiwa manusia sejak awal penciptaannya.

Persoalannya, bagaimana seseorang itu dapat kembali kepada Fathimah dan apakah kaitan Eidul Fitri dengan puasa Ramadhan? Imam Sadiq a.s berkata: “Fathimah adalah Lailatul Qadar, barangsiapa yang mengenali Fathimah dengan hak makrifatnya, pasti mengetahui Lailatul Qadar.” Lailatul (malam) tertulis di dalam bentuk mu’annas (feminin) yang mana huruf Ta’nis membawa erti wahdat dan merujuk kepada Hazrat Fathimah a.s. Maka bagi mereka yang telah mengenal makrifat Fathimah, pasti akan bertemu dengan malam Qadar, dan mereka yang bertemu dengan malam Qadar pula, pasti akan terbuka pendaman-pendaman Fitrah di dalam hati-hati mereka dan hiduplah Fathimah di dalam jiwa-jiwa mereka. Maka bergembiralah mereka dengan Eidul Fitri kerana mereka telah pun kembali kepada Fitrah. Allah berfirman di dalam kitabNya : “Shibghah Allah. Dan siapakah yang lebih baik shibghahnya dari pada Allah?” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 138.)

Bertanyalah kepada diri sendiri, apakah kita benar-benar telah mengenali makrifat Fathimah yang melayakkan kita untuk bergembira menyambut EIDUL FITRI?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nabi Hanya Punya Seorang Anak Perempuan

Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali is also referred as Zaynab as-Sughra, after her older sister Sayidah Zaynab al-Kubra bint Ali. Sayidah Zaynab al-Kubra and Sayidah Zaynab as-Sughra, both the daughters of Imam Ali and Sayidah Fatimah , side by side faced the harships and oppression (from the Banu Umayyah (ln)), yet bravery in Karbala and Sham with the other ladies of the Banu Hashim, the family of Rasuwlallah .

Um-Kulthum bint Ali is one of the two daughters of Imam Ali and Sayidah Fatimah Zahra . Um-Kulthum bint Haalah was a daughter of Hadrah Khadijah's sister called Haalah whom upon death Hadrah Khadijah took guardianship of then the Holy Prophet adopted upon marriage with Hadrah Khadijah . All Haalah's 3 daughters called Um-Kulthum bint Haalah, Ruqayah bint Haalah & Zaynab bint Haalah were adopted by Rasuwlallah . Neither Rasuwlallah nor Hadrah Khadijah had any children bore to them before their blessed marriage. The holy Prophet and Hadrah Khadijah had only one daughter named Sayidah Fatimah az-Zahra (sa) and 2 sons named Qasim and Tahir, both sons desceased in early infancy.

Um-Kulthum bint Haalah, the adopted daughter of Rasulallah and Hadrah Khadijah was married to Omar or Othman. Whereas Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali was married to Muhamad ibn Jafar at-Tayaar ibn Abu-Taalib .

Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali had no children of her own, however Hadrah Abbas ibn Ali , her half-brother was like her adopted son.

'Um-Kulthum' is an old Arabic name that is joined (two words that mean one thing / ism murakkab) so it does not mean she is the mother of Kulthum but that is basically how her name is to mean something or posses something.

Rasuwlallah did refuse the hand of Omar and Othman for his only true daughter Sayidah Fatimah Zahra but waited and accepted the hand of Imam Ali ibn Abu-Taalib(as) .

The birthday / Eid Milaad of Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali AKA Zaynab as-Sughra is on the 18th Rabiy al-Awwal, a day after the Milaad an-Nabi . Her sacred shrine is in Sham (now called Dimishq) in Baab as-Saghir along with many Shuhada .

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Khalifah Allah

Elhamdulillah, udah lapan jam sakit, inilah anak sulung kami, Ali Taqi.

Ini wajah suami gue, lelah menanti, kanda Jawad yang amat gue kasihi. Aduh papa lelah menanti...

Tarawih? Oh Kerja Sia-sia Deh

The lies, innovations & conjectures behind Tarawih

Praying 'Nawafil Salah' is a very virtuous act in Islam (especially during Ramadhan).

But 'Tarawih' (which is 8 or 20 Rakah Salat after Isha عشاء Prayer and is offered by Ahle Sunnah brothers as well as Nasibies/Wahabies) does not fall into the category of this virtuous act due to the Evils and Innovations attached to it.

We will stay short, but still very comprehensive. Insha-Allah.

1st Evil Innovation: A lie upon Rasool (saww) that Tarawih was his Sunnah

It is a lie upon Rasool (saw) that Tarawih was his Sunnah. It is falsely claimed that:

Rasool (saw) offered Tarawih for 3 Nights.

But then he stopped while he feared that Tarawih might become obligatory upon Ummah.

Answer: Rasool offered Tahajjud during those 3 nights and not Tarawih

Please note:

Tarawih is 20 or 8 Rakah prayer after Isha عشاء Prayer

But Rasool (saww) not even a Single time in his life offered any such 20 or 8 Rakah Salah after Isha عشاء prayer.

What Rasool (saww) offered for 3 nights, was only and only TAHAJJUD Prayer (which starts after Midnight).

For proof, see the following hadith, where it is particularly mentioned that Rasool (saww) came for prayer only after the “Middle of Night”.

Narrated 'Urwa:
That he was informed by 'Aisha, "Allah's Apostle went out in the MIDDLE OF NIGHT(i.e. For Tahajjud) and prayed in the mosque and some men prayed behind him. In the morning, the people spoke about it and then a large number of them gathered and prayed behind him (on the second night). In the next morning the people again talked about it and on the third night the mosque was full with a large number of people. Allah's Apostle came out and the people prayed behind him. On the fourth night the Mosque was overwhelmed with people and could not accommodate them, but the Prophet came out (only) for the Morning Prayer.
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, Number 229

Therefore, people must stop lying upon Rasool (saw) that he prayed such 8 or 20 Rakah Salah after Isha Prayer and thus it is his Sunnah.

1st challenge

Those who claim such absurdities may prove to us that the present day Tarawih (i.e. Praying 8 or 20 Rakah Salat after Isha Prayer) was ever practiced by Rasool Allah (saww).

Note: Some blind ignorant people (including Mufties of Saudia) have nowadays started claiming that “Qiyamul Lail قیام الیل “(i.e. Tahajjud) and Tarawih after Isha Prayer are the same thing. We will deal with this later on. Insha-Allah.

2nd Evil Innovation: Praying Tarawih in Congregation (Jama’ah) in Mosque

Ahle Sunnah brothers (as well as Nasibies/Wahabies) claim that Rasool (saww) stopped the so called Tarawih Prayer (First) in Congregation and (Second) in Mosque, while he feared it to become obligatory upon Ummah. And while Rasool (saw) already passed away, therefore it can no more become compulsory for Ummah.

Answer: Offering Nawafil at home is Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah

Again, this is half Truth and half Lie. The defenders of Tarawih are concentrating on “Non-Related” part of speech of Rasool (saw), while completely neglecting the “Related One” and most important part of his Saying.

Here is the complete speech of Rasool (saw):

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit:
Allah's Apostle made a small room (with a palm leaf mat). Allah's Apostle came out (of his house) and prayed in it. Some men came and joined him in his prayer. Then again the next night they came for the prayer, but Allah's Apostle delayed and did not come out to them. So they raised their voices and knocked the door with small stones (to draw his attention). He came out to them in a state of ANGER, saying, "You are still insisting (on your deed, i.e. Tarawih prayer in the mosque) that I thought that this prayer (Tarawih) might become obligatory on you. So you people, offer this prayer (i.e. Tahajjud or the so called Tarawih) at your homes, for the best prayer of a person is the one which he offers at home, except the compulsory (congregational) prayer."
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 134

Thus Rasool (saw) particularly/specifically referred to this Tahajjud (or the so called Tarawih) Prayer, and told:

Offer this Tahajjud (or so called Tarawih) prayer at your homes.

And at homes too, pray them individually (i.e. don’t start making Jamah (i.e. Congregation) at homes.

Offering these Nawafil individually at homes is better than Mosque till Qiyammah (and is irrelative of Rasool (saww) being alive or dead)

Therefore, it is Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah (i.e. Very Strongly Recommended) to pray Nawafil at homes, while praying this so called Tarawih is directly against this Strong Recommendation of Rasool (saw).

Side Comment: It is not allowed to pray Nawafil in Congregation (Jammah)

In the Sharia of Islam, it is not allowed to pray any kind of Nawafil in Congregation.

The Defenders of Tarawih deny it and object why then Rasool (saw) offered the Nawafil of Tahajjud (which is also known as Qiyam-ul-Lail) in congregation for the 3 nights?

The answer is, Rasool (saw) didn't offer any non-compulsory Nafl prayer during those 3 nights, but it was a compulsory prayer which he offered, and only due to this he allowed people to join behind him in congregation.

Qiyyam-ul-Lail was made compulsory Only for Rasool (saw) by Allah (swt). Allah says in Quran:

وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَى أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا

[Shakir 17:79] And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.

Therefore, Rasool (saw) was only offering the Compulsory Prayer with Niyyah of “Fardh” فرض , and when people joined behind him, they only followed the Niyyah of Imam.

Hence, it is wrong to say that Rasool (saw) made the Jamma’ah for any Nafl Prayer during his whole life.

2nd challenge

Rasool (saww) specifically and particularly wanted (and strongly recommended) about this Tahajjud (or so called Tarawih) prayer to be offered at homes.

Prove us that:

This strong Recommendation of Rasool (saww) is abrogated after his death.

Praying it in congregation (and that too in mosques) is better than praying it individually at homes.

3rd Evil of Tarawih: It has ended one Highly Recommended Sunnah of Rasool (saw) (i.e. Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah)

Yes, Tarawih is done against the Strong Recommendation of Rasool (saw) of praying Nawfil at homes till Qiyyammah.

According to sayings of Rasool (saw), one sign of Biddah (Evil Misguided Innovation) is this that people stop acting upon one similar Sunnah of Rasool. Therefore Prophet (saw) said:

When one nation innovates some thing, then one Sunnah of same kind is disappeared.
Mishkaat, page 31, Urdu Edition

3rd Challenge

This is an ample proof of Tarawih to be among one of Evil Misguided Innovations, otherwise it is a challenge to prove otherwise.

4th Evil: Tarawih vs “Sahaba Worship”

Yes, present form of Tarawih has nothing to do with Sunnah of Rasool (saw), and it is based only and only upon the disease of “Sahaba Worship” and is done only for this reason that Umar Ibn Khattab introduced it (against the Recommendation of Rasool (saw)).

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Ibn Shihab (a sub-narrator) said, "Allah's Apostle died and the people continued observing that (i.e. Nawafil offered individually, not in congregation), and it remained as it was during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and in the early days of 'Umar's Caliphate." 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Abdul Qari said, "I went out in the company of 'Umar bin Al-Khattab one night in Ramadan to the mosque and found the people praying in different groups. A man praying alone or a man praying with a little group behind him. So, 'Umar said, 'in my opinion I would better collect these (people) under the leadership of one Qari (Reciter) (i.e. let them pray in congregation!)'. So, he made up his mind to congregate them behind Ubai bin Ka'b. Then on another night I went again in his company and the people were praying behind their reciter. On that, 'Umar remarked, 'what an excellent Bid'a (i.e. innovation in religion) this is; but the prayer which they do not perform, but sleep at its time is better than the one they are offering.' He meant the prayer in the last part of the night(Tahajjut).
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, Number 227

Mawlana Waheeduz Zaman (A famous Sunni Scholar in Indian-Subcontinent who wrote commentry of Bukhari) writes after this hadith:

"From this words of Hadhrat Umar (i.e. what a good Innovation), it becomes clear that he he himself not joined that prayer. Perhaps Hadhrat Umar thought that Nafl prayers are better at home and at the last part of night. Muhammad bin Nasr Marozy محمد بن نصر مروزی narrated that Ibn Abbas said that he was with Hadhrat Umar that people started making noises. Upon this Hadhrat Umar inquired what was that. Others told him that people are going back after offering Tarawih. Hearing this, Hadhrt Umar said: "The night that has been left, is better that what has passed away".

Note: Ahle Sunnah brothers (as well as Nasibies/Wahabies) claim that:

It is allowed to pray Nawafil in Congregation in Mosque (as Sahaba were praying in small groups in congregation in above mentioned hadith)

Therefore, Hadhrat Umar didn't start an entirely new Innovation, but his action was based upon the prior actions of those Sahaba, who were praying Nawafil in Small groups of congregation in the mosque.

And our reply is:

Indeed Umar Bin Khattab was not the first person who initiated this Bidah. But the first ones, who innovated, were those Sahaba, who started praying in small groups against the clear and strong Recommendation of Rasool (saw) to offer Nawafil at homes individually.

It is sickness of mind to legalize the Biddah of Umar Ibn Khattab, while it is based on previous Innovation of some other Sahaba.

As Caliph, it was obligatory upon Umar Ibn Khattab to stop those people (who were praying even in small groups in congregation) from this Biddah. But instead of this, he fully supported this Biddah and publicized it.

Earlier many people followed the Sunnah of Rasool (saw) and indeed prayed individually, but after the support of Umar Ibn Khattab for this Biddah, the real Sunnah of Rasool (saw) totally disappeared from the society.

5th Evil of Tarawih: It has stopped many people from praying the Real Tahajjud Prayer

Once again look at this part of above mentioned hadith:

...On that, 'Umar remarked, 'what an excellent Bid'a (i.e. innovation in religion) this is; but the prayer which they do not perform, but sleep at its time is better than the one they are offering.' He meant the prayer in the last part of the night(Tahajjud).
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, Number 227

Now the real Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah (highly Recommended Sunnah) is to pray Tahajjud, but people (out of their disease of Umar Worship... in name of “Seerat-e-Sheikhain) preferred this Evil Misguided Innovation of Tarawih upon the Tahajjud Prayer.

You can see it for yourself that people are running for “Tarawih Prayers” (as if their fast doesn't complete without this), but keep on sleeping at times of Tahajjud.

And sole reason behind this is nothing more than the disease of “Sahaba Worship”.

6th Evil of Tarawih: The Misguided Innovated Fatwas of 4 Fiqhs of Ahle Sunnah about Congregation of Tarawih.

As proved earlier, Rasool (saw) never prayed any 8 or 20 Rakah prayer after Isha Prayers (neither individually, nor in congregation).

Now let us look upon edicts of 4 Aima of Ahle Sunnah upon the Congregation of Tarawih.

Hanafi Fiqh

Al-Durre Mukhtar, vol 1, page 659:

Offering Tarawih (in Jammah) is unanimously (Ijma) Sunnat-e-Mua'akida and it is not allowed to neglect it.

Fatawa Alamgiri, vol 1, page 116:

It is Sunnat-e-Kiffaya to offer the Tarawih Prayer in Congregation (Jammah). If all the people of Masjid and community don't offer it then all of them are Sinners.

Note: People didn't offer Tarawih during times of Rasool (saw) and Hadhrat Abu Bakr... Are those people also Sinners?

Fatawa Alamgiri, vol 1, page 116:

If people have offered Tarawih, then they want to offer it the 2nd time then they are not allowed to do it in congregation.

Note: Can the terrorists of Sipah Sahaba tell us if it was Rasool Allah (saww), who declared it Haram to offer Tarawih 2nd time in congregation? And if it was not Rasool (saww), then who is that person who is making things Haram in Islamic Sharia?

Al-Durre Mukhtar, vol 1, page 662:

It is Sunnat-e-Mua'akida to complete the Quran once in Tarawih. Completing it twice has "Fadhilah" (better) and completing it thrice is "Afdhal" (best). This Sunnah should not be neglected due to the laziness of people.

Note: Rasool Allah (saww) never completed any Quran (once or twice or thrice) during any 8/20 Rakah prayer after Isha, then how has this staircase of virtues developed?

Shafai & Hambali Fiq'hs

They declare the Jama'at an obligatory Sunnah for all i.e. leaving without any reason is a sin.

Our Comments: No comments from our side. But comments by Sunni Brothers are to be welcomed.

Maliki Fiq'h

They consider the Jama'at as Mustahab i.e. better, but not an obligatory Sunnah.

Our Comments:

This is again a bidah i.e. Prophetic Instructions were that it is Mustahab to offer Tahajjud at home. And if still people want to go against the Prophet Instruction and want to declare it Mustahab in Jammah, then it's their own fate.

Some more Challenges about Tarawih (only for Wahabi/Nasibies i.e. Not for Ahle Sunnah brothers)

Following Challenges are only for Wahabies/Salafies who have different definition of Biddah from us (Shias) and our Ahle Sunnah brothers.

The definition of Biddah according to Salafies is that any new action, which was not been revealed by Allah (swt), and was later invented by people themselves, comes under category of misguided innovation.

Therefore, we invite them to accept the following Challenges.

4th Challenge: How come Wahabies pray Tarawih for 30 Nights of Ramadhan in congregation?

Rasool (saw) offered Tahajjud (or so called Tarawih) in Congregation for only and only 3 Nights of Ramadhan. How come you extended this Sunnah of 3 nights to whole 30 nights of Ramadhan?

Moreover, tell us the reason why have you extended it only to 30 nights of Ramadhan, and why not you to 365 days of whole year? (i.e. Did Rasool (saw) ever tell you that this Congregational Tarawih prayer is allowed only in Ramadhan and Haram in remaining months?)

Note: This extension to 30 days has nothing to do with Rasool (saw), but Umar Ibn Khattab did it according to his “Qiyyas”, and Salafies are only following this “Qiyyas” today.

5th Challenge: Salafi Sunnah of Completing Whole Qur'an during "Tarawih"

Another very important question for Salafies(Wahabies), which they never answer.

Please show us that:

Rasool (saww) ever completed whole Quran in this form of Congregational Prayer during 30 nights of Ramadhan.

If not, then prove to us that Rasool (saww) ever ordered us to do so (in congregational form) after his death.

These Salafies are the same people who cry out loudly that we (Shia) have made it a regular practice (i.e. Biddah) to say Darood before Adhan. But when they themselves made a regular practice of completing Quran during Congregational Tarawih, then it is fine. Double Standards?

Note: Neither Allah, nor Rasool (saww) ever ordered (or recommended) to recite whole Quran during Congregational prayers during 30 nights of Ramadhan. Contrary to this, Allah (swt) recommended to read so much Quran as it is easy.

[Shakir 73:20] Surely your Lord knows that you pass in prayer nearly two-thirds of the night, and (sometimes) half of it, and (sometimes) a third of it, and (also) a party of those with you; and Allah measures the night and the day. He knows that you are not able to do it, so He has turned to you (mercifully),therefore read what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there must be among you sick, and others who travel in the land seeking of the bounty of Allah, and others who fight in Allah's way, therefore read as much of it as is easy (to you),

Therefore, completing one Quran during 30 nights of Ramadhan is only and only a Bidah of Umar Ibn Khattab, and Salafies are following him in his innovation, instead of following Quran and Sunnah.

6th Challenge: Shabina Vs. Tarawih

Shabina is the practice of Barailvi Ahle Sunnah brothers in Pakistan and India. They complete whole Quran once again during the last 3 nights of Ramadhan.

Now Salafies deem Shabina to be Biddah while according to them it was not done so by Rasool (saw) in the last 3 nights of Ramadhan.

But Salafies have to look that completing One Quran during 30 nights of Ramadhan was also not done by Rasool (saw). Therefore, if you declare Shabina to be an Innovation, then surely Tarawih also becomes an Innovation automatically.

7th Evil of Tarawih: Claiming there is no Difference between Tarawih and Tahajjud and both have same Rewards

Following are the differences between Tahajjud and present day Tarawih.

1. Tahajjud was Compulsory upon Rasool (saw)

Tahajjud prayer was Compulsory upon Rasool (saw). As compared to this, Rasool (saw) never offered any such 8 or 20 Rakah Salah in Congregation, as it has been done in Tarawih.

2. Tahajjud is Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah upon Ummah, while Tarawih is not

Tahajjud was always Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah upon Ummah.

As compared to this, Tarawih (i.e. 8 or 20 Rakah Salat after Isha prayers) is at maximum simple “Nafl” prayer (if prayed individually at homes). Tarawih has absolutely no preference over the any other Nafl prayer which is offered throughout a day at any time

(In fact, praying Tarawih in congregation in mosques makes it inferior to any other Nafl Prayer which is offered individually at homes)

3. Tahajjud Time starts only after Middle of Night (i.e. praying any Nafl after Isha doesn't count in Tahajjud)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ

قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا

نِصْفَهُ أَوِ انقُصْ مِنْهُ قَلِيلًا

أَوْ زِدْ عَلَيْهِ وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا

[Shakir 73:1] O you who have wrapped up in your garments!
[Shakir 73:2] Rise to pray in the night except a little,
[Shakir 73:3] Half of it, or lessen it a little,
[Shakir 73:4] Or add to it, and recite the Quran as it ought to be recited.

Similarly, see the verse 20 of Surah Muzamil below:

إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ تَقُومُ أَدْنَى مِن ثُلُثَيِ اللَّيْلِ وَنِصْفَهُ وَثُلُثَهُ وَطَائِفَةٌ مِّنَ الَّذِينَ مَعَكَ وَاللَّهُ يُقَدِّرُ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ عَلِمَ

[Shakir 73:20] Surely your Lord knows that you pass in prayer nearly two-thirds of the night, and (sometimes) half of it, and (sometimes) a third of it, and (also) a party of those with you; and Allah measures the night and the day.

Therefore, if still some one insists that praying 8 or 20 Rakah Salat after Isha prayer will have the rewards of Tahajjud, then that person is blind (physically as well as spiritually).

4. Even Umar Ibn Khattab differentiated between Tarawih and Tahajjud

It was Umar Ibn Khattab who started the Biddah of Tarawih. But he himself knew very well the difference between Tarawih and Tahajjud Prayers. In his own words:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Ibn Shihab (a sub-narrator) said, "Allah's Apostle died and the people continued observing that (i.e. Nawafil offered individually, not in congregation), and it remained as it was during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and in the early days of 'Umar's Caliphate." 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Abdul Qari said, "I went out in the company of 'Umar bin Al-Khattab one night in Ramadan to the mosque and found the people praying in different groups. A man praying alone or a man praying with a little group behind him. So, 'Umar said, 'in my opinion I would better collect these (people) under the leadership of one Qari (Reciter) (i.e. let them pray in congregation!)'. So, he made up his mind to congregate them behind Ubai bin Ka'b. Then on another night I went again in his company and the people were praying behind their reciter. On that, 'Umar remarked, 'what an excellent Bid'a (i.e. innovation in religion) this is; but the prayer which they do not perform, but sleep at its time is better than the one they are offering.' He meant the prayer in the last part of the night(Tahajjut).
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, Number 227

Do the Salafies/Wahabies still have courage to claim there is no difference between Tarawih and Tahajjud and they have same Rewards?

Umar Ibn Khattab prayed 20 Rakah during Tarawih while Rasool (saw) offered 8 Rakah in Tahajjud

One of the biggest difference between Tahajjud and Tarawih is the fact that established Sunnah of Rasool (saw) was to offer 8 Rakah during Tahajjud. While when Umar Ibn Khattab initiated Tarawih, he odered people to offer 20 Rakah Salah.

This also proofs when Umar Ibn Khattab started Tarawih, he had not in mind to revive that Sunnah of Rasool (saw) when he offered Tahajjud for 3 nights in mosque in congregation.

We have dealt with this dispute of 8 and 20 Rakah in detail in 3rd Chapter

8th Evil of Tarawih: Reading Quran at a fast pace instead of reciting meaningfully and listening attentively

Should the Holy Qur'an be recited at a fast pace to cover more than one Para every night in Tarawih Prayer?

The Qur-an says that it should be recited meaningfully and listened to it attentively

[Yusufali 7:204] When the Qur'an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive Mercy.


لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ

[Shakir 75:16] Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it,

Does completing whole Quran during these congregational prayers of Tarawih reflect these teachings of the Qur-an, or make the recitation meaningful? The method of recitation of Qur’an in tarawih is a clear opposition to the teaching of Quran, and a disgrace to it.

Tarawih GAK ADA!

Rasool (saw) never ever led any Nafl Prayer

Dear brothers/sisters,

Before we start the discussion and I prove that Rasool (saw) never led any Nafl Prayer, let us have a bried overview of CONTRADICTIONS in Sunni Ahadith about Tarawih.


1. First hadith say Rasool himself odered Sahaba at ASR time to come at night for Night prayer.

2. Second hadith says Rasool was unaware when people gathered behind him.

3. Third hadith says, Rasool was even unaware of it till 2nd day..... (another says till 3rd day....... and another hadith say as soon as he came to know about it, he stopped).

4. Aother hadith says Rasool (saw) offered them on the 3 consective nights, while another hadith says he prayed it only on alternative nights [ODD Nights].

5. Another hadith says Rasool himself took his AhleBait out on 4th night and Prayed with all of them together..... [While another says till 4th night Rasool had already stopped Tarawih].

..... In brief, ever Sunni Hadith is telling almost a new Story with differences between them.

The Real Fact : Rasool (saw) never Ever Led any Nafl Prayer

The real facts are as under:

1. Rasool (saw) never ever Led any Nafl Prayer.

2. He prayed a night prayer WITH INTENTION OF FARADA (i.e. NOT IN CONGREGATION).

3. But he offered this night prayer not in the Masjid-e-Nabwi.

4. But this Nafl prayer was offered by him in his own House (i.e. he not stood at the place where as Imam of Congregational prayer he used to stand)

5. The walls of his house was very low and people [Ashaab-e-Saffa... who used to stay in mosque] saw him praying NAFL prayer.

6. These Ashaab-e-Saffa also stood in mosque [and Rasool (saw) was even not aware of this].

7. This happened for one night.... and Rasool (saw) not realized it.
On 2nd Night, a lot of people gathered in Mosque in Isha Prayer.
Rasool (saw) offered Isha Prayer and went to his House.
But then he (saw) heard a lot of noise.
He asked Aisha for the reason, and she told him that people gathered here to offer Nafl prayer behind you.
As soon as Rasool (saw) heard it (i.e. for first time he realized that People used to stand before him in congregation), he absolutely did not come out to lead the prayer.

Proof of all that what is mentioned above

Here is the First haidith from Sahih Bukhari:

Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 11, Number 696:

Narrated 'Aisha:

Allah's Apostle used to pray in his room at night.[i.e. not in Masjid-e-Nabwi and at place where as Imam of Prayer he used to stand]. As the wall of the room was LOW, the people saw him and some of them stood up to follow him in the prayer. In the morning they spread the news. The following night the Prophet stood for the prayer (in his house) and the people followed him. This went on for two or three nights. Thereupon Allah's Apostle (came to know about it as Aisha told him, he) did not stand for the prayer the following night, and did not come out. In the morning, the people asked him about it. He replied, that he way afraid that the night prayer might become compulsory.

And here is the 2nd Hadith which is also sheding light on this Issue:

Abu Salama from Aisha -r.a-, reported in Musnad Ahmad, she said:

“The Messenger of Allah -SAW- ordered me to place a haseer (straw carpet) on the door of my room, [i.e. not in Masjid-e-Nabwi] so I did and the Messenger of Allah -SAW- came out to (pray on it) after he had prayed Isha’ prayer and people who were in the Masjid gathered to him [as walls of his room were very low) and the Messenger of Allah -SAW- offered prayer for a long (part of the) night and then the Messenger of Allah -SAW- left and came in and left the haseer as it is.
When morning came, people talked about the prayer of the Messenger of Allah -SAW- with those who were with him that night. So when the night came, the masjid was full of people, Prophet -SAW- lead them in Isha’ prayer and then left to his home and the people remained. So the Messenger of Allah -SAW- said to me (i.e. Aisha): What is the matter with the people O Aisha? I said: O Messenger of Allah! The people heard about your prayer last night with those who were with you in the masjid, so they gathered so that you would lead them in prayer. He said: Roll up your haseer from us.[i.e. as soon as Rasool (saw) came to know about people gathering behind him, he stopped at the spot”

Therefore, this so called 8 or 20 Rakah Tarawih or Tahajjud in Congreation had never been the Sunnah of Rasool (saw).

DONKEYS and Tarawih Praying Musaleen

Sorry to use this word, but this was firm opinion of Abdullah Ibn Umar (the Faqih Son of Umar Ibn Khattab) that people (the so called virtuous Musalleen), who are standing behind Imam during Tarawih Prayer, as nothing else than DONKEYS


"Abdullah Ibn Umar (the son of Umar Ibn Khattab) did not pray Tarawih with people in Mosque, but he used to offer them individually at home.

Referenece: Encyclopedia of Fiqhs, vol 7 (Under Fiqh of Abdullah Ibn Umar)

This same Saudi Professor writes further in his Fiqh Encyclopedia:


"One person came to Abdullah Ibn Umar and asked if he should pray Tarawih behind an Imam. Abdullah Ibn Umar asked him if he could recite Quran. He answered: "Yes". Upon this Abdullah Ibn Umar told him why he want to stand queitly like a donkey behind Imam... Go and offer it at your home."
Fiqh Encyclopedia, vol 7, under fiqh of "Abdullah Ibn Umar. Authorm Dr. Muhammad Rawas, Professor in Dehran university of Saudia

Abi bin Kaab Running form offering the so called Sunnah-e-Tarawih of Rasool

According to Ahle Sunnah, tarawih is one of the virtuous "Sunnah of Rasool".

And Abi bin Kaab was the person who was appointed by Umar Ibn Khattab as leader of Tarawih.

This same Abi bin Kaab (the Sahabi), used to run away from this so called "Sunnah-e-Tarawih of Rasool".


Umar Ibn Khattab gathered people behind Abi bin Ka'b and he used to lead them 20 Rakah prayer,... but when last ten days of Ramadhan left, then Abi bin Ka'b used to stay in his home and offer prayer there, while other people used to say that Abi bin Ka'b ran away.
1. Abi Dawud (along with comment in A'on, page 538, vol 1, published in Delhi)
2. Sunnan Abu Dawud, translated by Mawlana Wahiduz Zaman Khan, vol 1, page 579, Naumani publishers, Urdu Bazar Lahore.


Ahle Sunnah blaming Rasool (saw) for DOUBLE STANDARDS

As I qouted above many contradictions in Sunni Ahadith about Tarawih.

One more such contradiction is this that according to some Sunni Ahadith, Rasool did following in Tarawih:

1. Rasool odered people to gather, and then prayed this so called Tarawih for more than 2/3 rd of night till people feared to miss their Fajr prayers (Ahmad reported through Abu Dhar).

This fabricated hadith in order to support Tarawih is directly against other authentic Ahadith, in which Rasool (saw) advised not to prolong congregational prayers:

Sahih Bukhari wrote:
Volume 1, Book 11, Number 671:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "If anyone of you leads the people in the prayer, he should shorten it for amongst them are the weak, the sick and the old; and if anyone among your prays alone then he may prolong (the prayer) as much as he wishes. "

Volume 1, Book 11, Number 672:

Narrated Abu Mas'ud:

A man came and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I keep away from the morning prayer because so-and-so (Imam) prolongs it too much." Allah's Apostle became furious and I had never seen him more furious than he was on that day. The Prophet said, "O people! Some of you make others dislike the prayer, so whoever becomes an Imam he should shorten the prayer, as behind him are the weak, the old and the needy.''

Therefore, Rasool (saw) was Furious on people who prolong congregational prayers.
But the group of Sahaba Worshippers fabricated such Ahadith in order to support Tarawih and Umar, but they were so Stupid that they didnt know that they are stating many things against other authentic Ahadith.

Note: It is also narrated that Abi Ibn Kaab used to lead Tarawih prayer on orders of Umar Ibn Khattab, and he also used to prolong it so long that people had to use ROPES for keep standing etc.

Lahoola walla Quwah.

And we seeks only Allah's shelter from Shar of those "Sahaba Worshippers", who blamed Rasool for Double Standards (i.e. one one hand he says not to prolong congregational prayers, and on other hand he himself prolongs it till Fajr time).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ayyuhal Mujtaba!

Imam Hasan (as), a brief look into his Life

(This is) an account of the Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him.

The Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the mistress of the women of the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, the Lord of messengers, may God bless him and his pure family. (Al-Hasan's) kunya was Abu Muhammad. He was born in Medina, on the night of the middle day of the month of Ramadan, three years after the hijra (624).

His mother, Fatima, peace be on her, brought him to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, on the seventh day in a silken shawl from Heaven, which Gabriel had brought down to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. He named him Hasan and sacrificed a ram for him (in the ceremony of aqiqa).

[It is reported by a group (of authorities), including Ahmad b. Salih. al-Tamimi on the authority of Abd Allah b. Isa, on the authority of Jafar al-Sadiq b. Muhammad, peace be on him;]

Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was the most similar person to the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, in form, manner and nobility.

[It is reported by a group (of authorities), including Ma'mar, on the authority of al-Zuhri, on the authority of Anas b. Malik, who said:]

No one was more like the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, than al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on them.

[Ibrahim b. Ali al-Rafi'i reported on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandmother Zaynab, daughter of Abu Rafi' - and Shabib b. Abi Rafi' al-Rafi'i on the authority of those who told him - she said:]

Fatima, peace be on her, brought her two sons, al-Hasan and al- Husayn, peace be on them, to the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, at the time when he was suffering from the sickness from which he died.

"Apostle of God," she said, "these are your two (grand) sons. Give them something as an inheritance."

"As for al-Hasan," he replied, "he has my form and my nobility. As for al-Husayn, he has my generosity and my bravery."

Al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on him, was the testamentary trustee (wasi) of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, over his family, his children and his followers. He bequeathed him to look after his position and (the position of) his taxes (sadaqat) and he wrote him a covenant (of succession) which is well-known. His testamentary trusteeship is obvious in terms of the outlines of religion, the essential characteristic of wisdom and good-breeding. A great number of scholars have reported this trusteeship and many of the men of understanding have realised the truth of this through his (attitude to) the world.

Al-Hasan's Succession to the Caliphate and his Abdication

When the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, died, al- Hasan addressed the people. He reminded them of his right (to authority). The followers of his father pledged allegiance to him in terms of fighting those he fought and making peace with those with whom he made peace.

[Abu Mikhnaf Lut b. Yahya al-Azdi reported: Ashath b. Suwar told me on the authority of Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i and others, who said;]

Al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on them, addressed the people towards dawn on the night in which the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, died. He praised and glorified God and blessed the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. Then he said:

There has died tonight a man who was the first among the early (Muslims) in (good) actions. Nor did any later (Muslims) attain his level in (good) actions. He used to fight alongside the Apostle of God, may Allah bless him and his family, and protect him with his own life. The Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, used to send him forward with his standard while Gabriel supported him on his right and Michael supported him on his left. He would not return until God brought victory through his hands. He, peace be on him, has died on this the night on which Jesus, son of Mary, was taken up (to Heaven), on which Joshua, son of Nuh, the testamentary trustee (wasi) of Moses, peace be on him, died. He has left behind him no gold and silver except seven hundred dirhams of his stipend (ata'), with which he was intending to buy a servant for his family.

Then tears overcame him and he wept and the people wept with him.

Then he continued:

I am the (grand) son of the one who brought the good news. I am the (grand) son of the warner. I am the (grand) son of the man who, with God's permission, summoned (the people) to God. I am the (grand) son of the light which shone out (to the world) . I am of the House, from whom God has sent away abomination and whom God has purified thoroughly. I am of the House for whom God has required love in his Book, when God, the Most High, said: Say: I do not ask you for any reward except love for (my) kin. Whoever earns good, will increase good for himself [ XXXIII 33 ]. The good is love for us, the House.

Then he sat down.

Abd Allah b. al-Abbas, may God have mercy on him, arose in front of him and said:

People, this is the son of your Prophet, the testamentary trustee (wasi) of your Imam. So pledge allegiance to him. The people answered him saying:

No one is more loved by us nor has anyone more right to succession (khilafa).
They rushed forward to pledge allegiance to him as successor. That was on Friday on the eleventh of the month of Ramadan in the year 40 A.H. (660). Then he assigned (the posts of) the tax collectors and he gave instructions to the governors (of the provinces). He sent Abd Allah b. al-Abbas to Basra. He took charge of all the matters.

When Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan learnt of the death of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, and the people's pledge of allegiance to his son, al-Hasan, peace be on him, he sent a man of secretly to Kufa and a man from Banu al-Qayn to Basra. They were to write reports to him to undermine affairs for al-Hasan, peace be on him. Al-Hasan, peace be on him, learned of that. He ordered the Himyari to be brought out from among (the tribe) of Lakhm in Kufa. He had him brought out and executed. (Al-Hasan) wrote to al-Basra, ordering the Qayni to be brought out from among the Banu Sulaym. He was brought out and executed.

Then al-Hasan, peace be on him, wrote to Muawiya:

You sent men to use deception and to carry out assassinations and you sent out spies as if you want to meet (in battle). That is something which will soon happen so wait for it, if God wills. I have learnt that you have become haughty in a way that no wise man would become haughty. In that you are just as al-Awwal described:
Say to him who desires the contrary of the one who has died: Prepare for another like him, as if (from the same) root.

I and the one among us who has died are like the one who goes in the evening so that (the other) may come in the morning.

Muawiya replied to him with his letter, which there is no need to mention. There followed between him and al-Hasan, peace be on him, correspondences messages and disputes regarding the right of al- Hasan, peace be on him, to authority and the unlawful seizure of power of those who came before his father, peace be on him, and of Mu'awiya's attempt to strip the nephew of the Apostle of God, may God bless him anel his family, from his authority and of their (the House's) right to it apart from them. (All these) matters would take too long to describe.

Muawiya set off towards Iraq. When he reached the bridge of Manbij, al-Hasan, peace be on him, reacted. He sent Hujr b. Adi to order the leaders of Amman to set out and to call the people together for war.

They were slow to (answer) him and then they came forward. (Al- Hasan) had a mixed band of men: some of them belonged to his Sh'ia and to his father's: some of them were members of the Muhakimma (i.e. Kharijites) who were influenced by (the desire of) fighting Muawiya with every means (possible); some of them were men who loved discords and were anxious for booty; some of them were doubters; others were tribal supporters who followed the leaders of their tribes without reference to religion.

He set off until he came to Hammam Umar, then he went on to Dayr Kab. He stopped at Sabat, just before the bridge and spent the night there. In the morning, he, peace be on him, wanted to test his followers and make their situation clear with regard to obedience to him, so that in that way he might be able to distinguish his friends from his enemies and be in a clear mind (about his position) to meet Mu'awiya and the Syrians. He ordered the call to be made:

The prayer is a general one (which all should attend) (al-salat jamia).
They gathered and he went up on the pulpit and addressed them. He said:

Praise belongs to God whenever a man praises Him. I testify that there is no god but God whenever a man testifies to Him. I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle whom He sent with the truth and whom He entrusted with revelation, may God bless him and his family. By God, I hope that I shall always be with God's praise and kindness. I am the sincerest of God's creatures in giving advice to them. I have not become one who bears malice to any Muslims nor one who wishes evil or misfortune tor him. Indeed what you dislike about unity (jama'a) is better for you than what you like about division. I see what is better for you better than you see for yourselves. Therefore do not oppose my commands and do not reject my judgement. May God forgive both me and you and may He guide me and you to that in which there is love and satisfaction.

[He reported:]
The people began to look at one another and asked each other, "What do you think he intends by what he has just said?

"We think that he intends to make peace with Muawiya and hand over the authority to him" they answered.

"By Gods the man has become an unbelievers they declared and they rushed towards his tent. They plundered him to the extent that they even took his prayer mat from under him. Then Abd al- Rahman b. Abd Allah b. Ja'al al-Azdi set on him and stripped his silk cloak from his shoulder. He remained sitting, still girt with his sword but without his cloak. He called for his horse and mounted it. Groups of his close associates and his Shia surrounded him and kept those who wanted (to attack) him away from him. He said:

Summon (the tribes of) Rabia and Hamdan to me.
They were summoned to him and they surrounded him and defended him, peace be on him, from the people. A mixed group of others went with him (as well). When he was passing through the narrow pass of Sabat, a man of Banu Asad called al-Jarrah b. Sinan caught hold of the reins of his mule. He had an axe in his hand. He cried:
God is greater (Allaku akbar)! You have become a polytheist, Hasan, just like your father became a polytheist before.

Then he stabbed him in the thigh. It penetrated right through to the bone. He seized (al-Hasan) by the neck and they both fell to the ground. A man from al-Hasan's Shi'a called Abd Allah b. Khatal al- Tai; pulled the axe away from his hand and struck him with it in the stomach. Another man called Zubyan b. Umara attacked him, struck him upon the nose and killed him. Another man who had been with (al-Jarrah) was caught and killed.

Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was carried on a stretcher to al- Mada'in where he was lodged with Sa'd b. Masud al-Thaqafi. The latter was the governor of (Ali), the commander of the faithful, peace be on him, there and al-Hasan had confirmed him in that position.

Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was distracted by his own (discomfort) and with treating his wound. (In the meantime) a group of the tribal leaders wrote secretly to Mu'awiya offering to accept his authority (lit. to listen and obey). They urged him to come to them and they guaranteed to hand over al-Hasan, peace be on him, when they got to his camp, or to kill him treacherously.

Al-Hasan, peace be on him, learnt of that when a letter came to him from Qays b. Sa'd, may God be pleased with him. He had sent Qays with Ubayd Allah b. Abbas (to go on ahead) when he had set out from Kufa to meet Muawiya and to drive him out of Iraq, and make himself a commander of a unified people (jama'a). He had said to Ubayd Allah:

If you are struck down, then the commander will be Qays b. Sad.
Qays b. Sad's letter arrived informing him that they had stopped Muawiya at a village called al-Habubiyya opposite Maskan. Then Muawiya had sent to Ubayd Allah b. Abbas, urging him to come to him and offering him a million dirhams, half of which he would give him immediately, and the other half on his entry into Kufa. Ubayd Allah had slipped away in the night with his close associates to (join) Muawiya's camp. In the morning the people found their leader missing. Qays b. Sa'd, may God be pleased with him, said the prayer with them and took charge of their affairs.
Al-Hasan's awareness of the people's desertion of him increased, (as did his awareness) of the corrupt intention of the Muhakkima (the Kharijites) against him, which they made obvious by cursing him, accusing him of disbelief, and declaring that it was lawful to shed his blood and plunder his property. There remained no one to protect him from his unfortunate predicament except the close associates from his father's Shia and his own Shia, and they were a group which could not resist the Syrian soldiers.

Muawiya wrote to him about a truce and peace treaty. He also sent him the letters of his followers in which they had guaranteed to kill him treacherously or to hand him over. He offered him as many conditions as he wanted, to answer his (call) for peace and he gave his (sworn) covenant by whose fulfilment everybody's interests would be served. Al-Hasan, peace be on him, did not trust him. He was aware of his deception and his attempts at assassination. However he could find no escape from assenting to his demands to abandon the war and bring about a truce because of the weakness of his followers' understanding of his right, their corrupt attitude towards him and their opposition to him. (In addition, he was aware) of the view of many of them in declaring it lawful to shed his blood and to hand him over to his rival. (He also knew) of his cousin's desertion (of him) and his joining his enemy, as well as the inclination of the people towards the immediate present and their reluctance (to show concern) for the future.

Therefore he, peace be on him, bound himself (in a treaty) with Muawiya as a result of the confirmation of the proof (of his situation) and with the excuses before God, the Most High, and all the Muslims, of what had taken place among them. He stipulated:

That the cursing of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, should be abandoned and the practice of using the personal prayer (qunut) in the formal prayer (salat) (as prayer) against him should be set aside;
That his Shia, may God be pleased with them, should be given security and that none of them should be exposed to any evil; That each of them who had certain rights should attain those rights.

Muawiya accepted all that and made a treaty with him to observe that. He swore to him that he would fulfil it. When the truce had been concluded, Muawiya went on until he reached al-Nukhayla. That was on a Friday; he prayed the mid-morning prayer (duha al nahar) with the people, and he addressed them. In his address, he Said
By God, I have not fought against you to make you pray, nor to fast, nor to make the pilgrimage, nor to pay zakat. Indeed you do that (already). I fought so that I might have power over you and God has given that to me when you were reluctant to (obey) Him. Indeed I have been requested by al-Hasan, peace be on him, (to give him) things and I have given things to him. All of them are now under my foot. And from now on I will not fulfil anything.

Then he went on until he entered Kufa. He resided there for several days. When the pledge of allegiance by its inhabitants had to be carried out, he went up on the pulpit and addressed the people. He mentioned the commander of the faithful, peace be on him, and that he had taken from him and from al-Hasan, peace be on him, what he had taken.

Al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be on them, were present. Al- Husayn, peace be on him, rose to reply but al-Hasan, peace be on him, took him by the hand and made him sit down. Then he, himself, (al-Hasan) arose and spoke:

O you who mention Ali, I am al-Hasan and Ali was my father. You are Muawiya and your father was Sakhr (Abu Sufyan). My mother was Fatima and your mother was Hind. My grand father was the Apostle of God and your grandfather was Harb. My grandmother was Khadija and your grandmother was Futayla. May God curse him who tries to reduce our reputation and to diminish our nobility, who does evil against our antiquity and yet who has been ahead of us in unbelief and hypocrisy.

Groups of the people in the mosque shouted out: "Amen, Amen"

When the peace between al-Hasan, peace be on him, and Muawiya was concluded in the way we have mentioned, al-Hasan, peace be on him, left for Medina. He resided there, restraining his anger, staying close to his house, and awaiting the command of his Lord, the Mighty and High, until Muawiya had completed ten years of his administration. (Then) the latter decided to have the pledge of allegiance given to his son, Yazid, (as his successor). He communicated secretly with Ju'da, daughter of al-Ash'ath b. Qays- she was the wife of al-Hasan, peace be on him - to urge her to poison him. He gave an undertaking to her that he would marry her to his son, Yazid, and he sent her a hundred thousand dirhams. Juda gave him the poison to drink but he lingered on sick for forty days. He passed along his (final) road in the month of Safar in the year 50 A. H. (670). At that time, he was forty-eight years of age. His succession (to the Imamate) had been for ten years. His brother and testamentary trustee (wasp), al-Husayn, peace be on him, undertook the washing and shrouding of his body, and buried him with his grand mother, Fatima, daughter of Asad b. Hashim b. Abd Manaf, may God be pleased with her, in (the cemetery) of al Baqi.

Reports of the Cause of the Death of al-Hasan, Peace be on him, and of Mu'awiya Poisoning him, the Story of his Burial and the Actions and Statements Concerning that.

[Isa b. Mihran reported: Ubayd Allah b. al-Sabb'ah told us: Jarir told us on the authority of Mughira, who said:]
Muawiya sent to Juda daughter of al-Ashath b. Qays:

I will arrange for you to marry my son, Yazid, on condition that you poison al-Hasan.

He also, sent her a hundred thousand dirhams.
She did that: she poisoned al-Hasan, peace be on him. (Mu'awiya) gave her the money but did not marry her to Yazid. Instead he gave her a man from the family of Talha as a substitute. The latter gave her children. Whenever any argument occurred between them and the clans of Quraysh, they would revile them saying:

Sons of a woman who poisons her husbands.
[Isa b. Mihran reported: 'Uthman b. Umar told me Ibn Awn told us on the authority ot 'Umar b. lshaq, who said.]
I was with al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be on them, in the house. Al-Hasan, peace be on him, came in from outside and then went out again. He said:

I have been given poison to drink several times but I have never been given poison like this. A bit of my liver has come out of my mouth and I began to turn it over with a stick I had.

Who gave you the poison to drink, al-Husayn, peace be on him, asked him, and what do you want for him? Do you want him killed? If he may remain as he is, then God will be more terrible in His vengeance than you. It he may not remain as he is, then I should like to be free of any blame.

[ Abd Allah b. Ibrahim reported on the authority of Ziyad al- Makhariqi, who said:]
When death was close to al-Hasan, peace he on him, he summoned al-Husayn, peace be on him, and said.

My brother, I am leaving you and joining my Lord. I have been given poison to drink and have spewed my liver into a basin. I am aware of the person who poisoned me and from where I have been made a subject to this deceitful action. I will oppose him before God, the Mighty and High. Therefore by the right I have with regard to you, say nothing about that and wait for what God, the Mighty and High, will decide concerning me. When I have died, shut my eyes, wash me and shroud me. Then carry me on my bier to the grave of my grandfather, the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, so that I may renew my covenant with him. After that take me to the grave of my grandmother, Fatima daughter of Asad, may God be pleased with her, and bury me ther. My brother, the people will think that you intend to bury me with the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. For that reason, they will gather to prevent you from doing it. I swear by God that you should not shed even your blood into the cupping-glass in (carrying out) my command.

Then he made his testamentary bequests to his family and his children. (He gave him) his heirlooms and the things which the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, had bequeathed to him when he had made him his successor, had declared him worthy to occupy his position, and had indicated to his Shia that he was his successor, and set him up as their sign-post after himself.

When he passed on his (final) journey, al-Husayn, peace be on him, washed and shrouded his (body). Then he carried him on his bier. Marwan and those of the Banu Umayya who were with him had no doubt that they would try to bury him beside the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. They gathered together and armed themselves. When al-Husayn, peace be on him, approached the tomb of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, with (the body of al-Hasan) so that he might renew his covenant with him, they came towards them with their group. 'A'isha had joined them on a mule and she was saying:

What is there between you and me that you should allow someone I don't want to, to enter my house?

Marwan began to recite:
O Lord, battle is better than ease.
(Then he went on:)
Should Uthman be buried in the outskirts of Medina and al-Hasan be buried alongside the Prophet, may God bless him and his family? That will never be while I carry a sword.

Discord was about to occur between the Banu Umayya and the Banu Hashim. Ibn 'Abbas hurried to Marwan and said to him;

Go back to where you came from, Marwan. Indeed we do not intend to bury our companion with the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. But we want him to be able to renew his covenant with him by visiting him. Then we will take him back to his grandmother, Fatima, and bury him alongside her according to his last instructions concerning that. If he had enjoined that he should be buried alongside the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, you know that you would be the least able to deter us from that. However, he, peace be on him, was much too aware of God and His Apostle and the sacredness of his tomb to bring bloodshed to it as others have done (who) have entered it without his permission.

Then he went to A'isha and said to her:
What mischief you bring about, one day on a mule and one day on a camel! Do you want to extinguish the light of God and fight the friends (awliya') of God? Go Back ! You have been given assurance against what you fear and have learned what you wanted (to know). By God, victory will come to this House, even if it is after some time.
Al-Husayn, peace be on him, said:

By God, if there had been no injunction to me from al-Hasan, peace be on him, to prevent bloodshed and that I should not even pour blood into a cupping-glass in (carrying out) his command, you would have known how the swords of God would have taken their toll from you, you have broken the agreement which was made between you and us, you have ignored the conditions which we made with him for ourselves.
Then they went on with (the body of) al-Hasan, peace be on him, and they buried him in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi' beside his grandmother, Fatima daughter of Asad b. Hashim b. 'Abd Manaf, may God be pleased with her.

Complete ref:

Kitab al Irshad (The Book of Guidance)
Pages 279 - 289
By Sheikh al Mufid
Translated by I.K.A Howard
Published by Tahrike Tarsile Quran
Paper back, I.S.B.N 0-940368-11-0

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Graduan arkiteksur S1 UI. S2 Universitas Sains Malaysia. Pernah ikut suami ke Penang, Malaysia. Kini 'bekerja dengan famili.' Asal Utan Kayu, Jakarta, Indonesia