Friday, November 14, 2008

Ahmadinejad Seru Pembuli Masuk Islam Shiah

Ahmadinejad Calls on “bullying” Powers to Join Shiite Islam

Washington, 10 November (IranVNC)—Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday invited what he called “bullying and domineering powers” to place themselves along the path of “service to humanity and peace and justice,” and called on them to submit to one of Shiite Islam’s most revered imams.

By: IranVNCPublished: Monday, November 10, 2008



Washington, 10 November (IranVNC)—Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday invited what he called “bullying and domineering powers” to place themselves along the path of “service to humanity and peace and justice,” and called on them to submit to one of Shiite Islam’s most revered imams.

Speaking at the closing ceremonies of the eighth Imam Reza Arts and Culture Festival in Iran’s northeastern city of Mashhad, Ahmadinejad said: “I have no doubt that if those who have newly come to power or those elements which have been in power all along, mobilized all their devilish forces, they will have no choice other than to obey the immaculate Imam [Reza] or be shoveled off from the path to perfection on which humanity is moving,” a transcript of his speech said.

The Shrine of Imam Reza [765-818 CE], located in Mashhad, is considered by Shiite Muslims to be among the holiest sites of Islam and draws tens of thousands of pilgrims from Iran and the surrounding states every year.

Addressing world powers, Ahmadinejad said: “All of you have chosen the path of rebellion and you have seen the results of prventing humanity from joining the way of the prophets, and today you are all wretched and defeated.”

Ahmadinejad warned world powers “not to imagine that they are sitting on a cache of billions [of dollars] and weapons” saying: “All of these can be blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye.”

He expressed hope that world powers would accept his invitation to “desist [their] emphasis on oppression, selfishness, bullying and killings,” saying he was extending the offer has a gift from God.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Shiah di Malaysia: Keputusan Melawan OIC


Bersetuju supaya keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa yang telah diadakan pada 24 dan 25 September 1984 [Kertas Bil. 2/8/84, Perkara 4.2. (2)] mengenai aliran Syiah yang menetapkan seperti berikut:

"Setelah berbincang dan menimbang kertas kerja ini Jawatankuasa telah mengambil keputusan bahawa hanya Mazhab Syiah dari golongan Al-Zaidiyah dan Jaafariah sahaja yang diterima untuk diamalkan di Malaysia."


b) Menetapkan bahawa umat Islam di Malaysia hendaklah hanya mengikut ajaran Islam yang berasaskan pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah dari segi Aqidah, Syariah dan Akhlak.

c) Menyokong dan menerima cadangan pindaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Perlembagaan Negeri-Negeri bagi memperuntukkan dengan nyata bahawa agama bagi Persekutuan dan Negeri-Negeri hendaklah agama Islam yang berasaskan pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah dari segi Aqidah, Syariah dan Akhlak.

d) Memperakukan pindaan kepada semua Undang-Undang Negeri yang Hukum Syarak bagi menyelaraskan takrif "Hukum Syarak" atau "Undang-Undang Islam" seperti berikut:

"Hukum Syarak atau "Undang-Undang Islam" ertinya Undang-Undang Islam yang berasaskan pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah dari segi Aqidah, Syariah dan Akhlak."

e) Memperakukan bahawa ajaran Islam yang lain daripada pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah adalah bercanggah dengan Hukum Syarak dan Undang-Undang Islam; dan dengan demikian penyebaran apa-apa ajaran yang lain daripada pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah adalah dilarang.

f) Menetapkan bahawa semua umat Islam di Negara ini adalah tertakluk kepada Undang-Undang Islam Hukum Syarak yang berasaskan pegangan kepada ajaran Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah sahaja.

g) Menetapkan bahawa penerbitan, penyiaran dan penyebaran apa-apa buku, risalah, filem. Video dan lain-lain berhubung dengan ajaran Islam yang bertentangan dengan pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah adalah diharamkan.

Sumber: http://www.e- my/jakim/ keputusan_ view.asp? keyID=150

Keputusan ini melawan arah jarum jam keputusan yang dikeluarkan OIC yang Malaysia juga ahlinya:

The Amman Message

The Amman Message started as a detailed statement released the eve of the 27th of Ramadan 1425 AH / 9th November 2004 CE by H.M. King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein in Amman, Jordan. It sought to declare what Islam is and what it is not, and what actions represent it and what actions do not. Its goal was to clarify to the modern world the true nature of Islam and the nature of true Islam.

In order to give this statement more religious authority, H.M. King Abdullah II then sent the following three questions to 24 of the most senior religious scholars from all around the world representing all the branches and schools of Islam: (1) Who is a Muslim? (2) Is it permissible to declare someone an apostate (takfir)? (3) Who has the right to undertake issuing fatwas (legal rulings)?

Based on the fatwas provided by these great scholars (who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar; Ayatollah Sistani and Sheikh Qaradawi), in July 2005 CE, H.M. King Abdullah II convened an international Islamic conference of 200 of the world's leading Islamic scholars 'Ulama) from 50 countries. In Amman, the scholars unanimously issued a ruling on three fundamental issues (which became known as the 'Three Points of the Amman Message'):

1. They specifically recognized the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shi'a and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic Theology (Ash'arism); of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and of true Salafi thought, and came to a precise definition of who is a Muslim.
2. Based upon this definition they forbade takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
3. Based upon the Mathahib they set forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.

These Three Points were then unanimously adopted by the Islamic World's political and temporal leaderships at the Organization of the Islamic Conference summit at Mecca in December 2005. And over a period of one year from July 2005 to July 2006, the Three Points were also unanimously adopted by six other international Islamic scholarly assemblies, culminating with the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah, in July 2006. In total, over 500 leading Muslim scholars worldwide as can be seen on this website [click here to see the entire list] unanimously endorsed the Amman Message and its Three Points.

This amounts to a historical, universal and unanimous religious and political consensus (ijma') of the Ummah (nation) of Islam in our day, and a consolidation of traditional, orthodox Islam. The significance of this is: (1) that it is the first time in over a thousand years that the Ummah has formally and specifically come to such a pluralistic mutual inter-recognition; and (2) that such a recognition is religiously legally binding on Muslims since the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: My Ummah will not agree upon an error (Ibn Majah, Sunan, Kitab al-Fitan, Hadith no.4085).

This is good news not only for Muslims, for whom it provides a basis for unity and a solution to infighting, but also for non-Muslims. For the safeguarding of the legal methodologies of Islam (the Mathahib) necessarily means inherently preserving traditional Islam's internal 'checks and balances'. It thus assures balanced Islamic solutions for essential issues like human rights; women's rights; freedom of religion; legitimate jihad; good citizenship of Muslims in non-Muslim countries, and just and democratic government. It also exposes the illegitimate opinions of radical fundamentalists and terrorists from the point of view of true Islam. As George Yeo, the Foreign Minister of Singapore, declared in the 60th Session of the U.N. General Assembly (about the Amman Message): "Without this clarification, the war against terrorism would be much harder to fight."

Finally, whilst this by the Grace of God is a historical achievement, it will clearly remain only principial unless it is put into practice everywhere. For this reason, H.M. King Abdullah II is now seeking to implement it, God willing, through various pragmatic measures, including (1) inter-Islamic treaties; (2) national and international legislation using the Three Points of the Amman Message to define Islam and forbid takfir; (3) the use of publishing and the multi-media in all their aspects to spread the Amman Message; (4) instituting the teaching of the Amman Message in school curricula and university courses worldwide; and (5) making it part of the training of mosque Imams and making it included in their sermons.
God says in the Holy Qur'an says:

There is no good in much of their secret conferences save (in) whosoever enjoineth charity and fairness and peace-making among the people and whoso doeth that, seeking the good pleasure of God, We shall bestow on him a vast reward. (Al-Nisa, 4:114).

Friday, November 07, 2008

Salam dari Montreal

Sahl Khurasani once approached Imam Ja'ffar al-Sadiq and complained: "Why is it that inspite of the truth being on your side, you do not stage an uprising? At present, there are 100,000 Shias, who upon your orders, would immediately unsheathe their swords for battle".

In order to give him a practical answer, the Imam ordered the furnace to be lighted and then instructed Sahl to jump into the flames. Sahl was shocked and said: "O my Master! May God shower you with His grace and favours! Do not place me in the fire. I take back my words and request you to withdraw your instruction".

After a while, Haroun Makki, a sincere companion of the Imam entered and greeted. As soon as the Imam saw him, he told him to take off his slippers and walk into the hot furnace. Without any question, Haroun complied. Imam then turned towards Sahl and began inquiring about Khurasan as if nothing had happened. All this time, Sahl appeared uncomfortable and disturbed worrying about the plight of Haroun in the furnace. Finally the Imam asked him to get up and to look inside the furnace. Sahl witnessed that Haroun was seated comfortably and unharmed in the fiery flames.

Imam asked, "How many such Shia'hs exist in Khurasan?" Sahl said, "By Allah! Not a single Shia'h like Haroun exists in Khurasan". Thereupon, the Imam said, "I shall not stage an uprising when I do not have even five sincere companions. (And do remember) we are very well aware as to when we should stage an uprising". (Safeenatul-Bihar)

Perhaps this incident conveys one of the reasons why our 12th Imam (AJ) has still not come out of his concealment?

Its easy for us to call on him but we must also ask ourselves how many of us are sincere in what we say? How many of us are prepared for his arrival? And how many of us lead a lifestyle, which is in conformity to his teachings?

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Graduan arkiteksur S1 UI. S2 Universitas Sains Malaysia. Pernah ikut suami ke Penang, Malaysia. Kini 'bekerja dengan famili.' Asal Utan Kayu, Jakarta, Indonesia