Monday, October 30, 2006

Siapa Racun Rasulullah SAW?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It is well known that the Prophet Muhammad died a martyr due to poison brought to him by “a jewish woman”. Well who is this woman, and when did she give him the poison, and how?

Allah says: وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ

Shakir 3:144] And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels?

Rasulullah says: “There is no Prophet or Wasi except a shaheed”
(بصائر الدرجات ص 148 وبحار الأنوار ج 17 ص 405)

Imam Jaafar ibn Muhammad al Sadiq says: “There is not one of us except poisoned or killed”

(كفاية الأثر للخراز القمي ص 162 وبحار الأنوار ج 45 ص 1 ومن لا يحضره الفقيه ج 4 ص 17)

Al Shaabi said: By Allah, Rasulullah was poisoned.
وقال الشعبي: والله لقد سم رسول الله. (مستدرك الحاكم ج 3 ص 60).

Now it is apparent that the Prophet died a martyr of poison. Let us look at some hadiths about the Prophet, during the last moments before his death.

It is narrated in Tareekh al Tabari, from aisha that she said: we fed Rasulullah in his illness, so he said: “Do not feed me”, so we said: the patient hates his medicine. So when he woke up he said: “There is not one person who didn’t feed me except al Abbas, for he does not witness you.”

جاء عن عائشة: لددنا (قمنا بتطعيم) رسول الله في مرضه. فقال: (لا تلدوني). فقلنا: كراهية المريض للدواء. فلما أفاق قال (لا يبقى منكم أحد إلا لد غير العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (تاريخ الطبري ج 2 ص 438).

It is also narrated that they fed Rasulullah, so when he woke up he said: “Who did this to me?” so they said: Your uncle al Abbas. So Rasulullah said: “It is from the shaytan, and Allah will not allow him to control me, and there is no one in the house who didn’t feed me except my uncle al Abbas, for he does not witness you”.

وجاء أيضا: إنا لنرى برسول الله ذات الجنب فهلموا فلنلده ، فلدوه. فلما أفاق رسول الله قال: (من فعل بي هذا)؟ قالوا: عمك العباس تخوّف أن يكون بك ذات الجنب. فقال رسول الله: (إنها من الشيطان، وما كان الله ليسلطه علي، لا يبقى في البيت أحد إلا لددتموه إلا عمي العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (معجم ما استعجم لعبد الله الأندلسي ص 142).

And another hadith: aisha said: we fed Rasulullah in his illness so he started pointing at us and saying do not feed me, so we said: the patient hates his medicine. So he said: “There is no one in this house who didn’t feed me, except al Abbas for he does not witness you.”

وجاء أيضا: قالت عائشة: لددنا رسول الله في مرضه فجعل يشير إلينا أن لا تلدوني فقلنا: كراهية المريض للدواء. فقال: (لا يبقى أحد في البيت إلا لد، وأنا أنظر إلا العباس فإنه لم يشهدكم). (صحيح البخاري ج 7 ص 17 وصحيح مسلم ج 7 ص 24 و ص 198).

And al Sanadi says in his explanation of al Bukhari: the meaning of the Prophet’s saying: “There is no one in the house who didn’t feed me” as a blaming against them for doing something that he had ordered not to do.

ويقول السندي في شرح البخاري: معنى قوله (صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم): (لا يبقى أحد في البيت إلا لد) عقوبة لهم بتركهم امتثال نهيه عن ذلك. (شرح السندي لصحيح البخاري ج 3 ص 95).

And the Prophet had ordered them to not feed him, as it is narrated that he said to them after they gave him that so called medicine: “Didn’t I order you not to feed me?!”

وكان الرسول (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) قد أمر القوم بأن لا يلدوه، إذ روي أنه قال لهم بعد سقيه إياهم ذلك الدواء المزعوم: (ألم أنهكم أن لا تلدوني)؟! (الطب النبوي لابن القيم الجوزي ج 1 ص 66).

And after they fed the Prophet, he said about aisha: woe to her to dare do what she did!

وبعد قيامهم بلد النبي، قال (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) عن عائشة: (ويحها لو تستطيع ما فعلت)! (الطبقات لابن سعد ج 2 ص 203).

And these narrations show us from the books of the sunna, that there was a plan going on, which was to murder the Prophet, and give him poison while pretending that it is medicine for him! It is apparent how they had waited until he was asleep, and they passed the poison to him under the excuse that it is medicine, and when the Prophet woke up he angrily asked who fed him, and they tried to put the blame on his uncle al Abbas in an obvious way to take the blame away from themselves, but the Prophet knew the truth for his knowledge of the unseen, so he claimed the innocence of his uncle al Abbas, and he blamed them and called it an action of shaytan.
And let us keep in mind, Rasulullah never speaks out of fun.

And let us also remember, that this had taken place right after the Prophet had said lanatollah on abo bakr and omar for leaving the army of Osama..

وكان النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) قد لعن المتخلفين عن جيش أسامه إذ قال: (لعن الله المتخلفين عن جيش أسامة). وقد ثبت أن الرجلين (ابو بكر وعمر) كانا من الذين تخلفوا عن الجيش. (شرح النهج لابن أبي الحديد ج 6 ص 52).

And the Prophet had time after time pointed to the house of aisha and said: “Here is the fitna, here is the fitna, here is the fitna. From here the horn of the shaytan will come out!”

ولطالما أشار النبي إلى مسكن عائشة وقال: (هاهنا الفتنة. هاهنا الفتنة. هاهنا الفتنة. من حيث يطلع قرن الشيطان)! (صحيح البخاري ج 4 ص 92 وسنن الترمذي ج 2 ص 257 وصحيح مسلم ج 8 ص 172).

Al Ayyashi has reported in strong sanad that Imam Jaafar al Sadeq has stated that aisha and hafsa have killed Rasulullah with poison.

قد أسند العياشي إلى أبي عبد الله جعفر الصادق (ع) أنه قال :"تدرون مات النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أو قتل ؟ إن الله يقول : (أفإن مات أو قتل انقلبتم على أعقابكم) فسم قبل الموت ، إنهما سقتاه (زاد الكاشاني : "يعني المرأتين لعنهما الله وأبويهما" تفسير الصافي 1/305) قبل الموت، فقلنا : إنهما وأبويهما شر من خلق الله"(تفسير العياشي 1/200 وانظر تفسير الصافي للكاشاني 1/305 والبرهان للبحراني 1/320 وبحار الأنوار للمجلسي 6/504، 8/6).
ووصف المجلسي :"إن العياشي روى بسند معتبر عن الصادق(ع) أن عائشة و حفصة لعنة الله عليهما وعلى أبويهما قتلتا رسول الله بالسم دبرتاه"(حياة القلوب للمجلسي 2/700).
(راجع تفسير القمي ط حجرية ص 340 ، ط حديثة 2/375 – 376. وانظر الصراط المستقيم للبياضي 3/168- 169 . وشرح نهج البلاغة لابن أبي الحديد 2/457 . وإحقاق الحق للتستري ص 308 وتفسير الصافي للكاشاني 2/716-717. والبرهان للبحراني 1/320 ، 4/352- 353 والأنوار النعمانية للجزائري 4/336-337).

In conclusion, this is not strange for the woman who waged a war against Imam Ali, attacked the funeral of Imam Hasan, and had lived her life with jelousy against Ahlul Bayt.

There is a sunni hadith (from ibn kathir) as such:

After the battle of khaybar had taken place, a jewish woman zaynab bint al hareth (who was the sister of marhab the jew) gifted the Prophet a sheep filled with poison.
So the Prophet said to his companions: "catch her! for it is poisoned!"
so the Prophet called the woman and asked her: "what made you do so?"
so she said: "I wanted to know if you are really a Prophet, so you would know that it is poison and not eat. and if you are a liar then i would have saved the people from you."
so the Prophet was merciful to her.

تقول الرواية: في السنة السابعة وبعد معركة خيبر أهدت زينب بنت الحارث (وهي أخت مرحب الذي قتله الإمام علي عليه السلام) للنبي (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) شاة مصلية مسمومة. فقال النبي لأصحابه: (أمسكوا فإنها مسمومة). واستدعى النبي المرأة اليهودية وقال لها: ما حملك على ما صنعت؟ فقالت: أردت أن أعلم إن كنت نبيا فسيطلعك الله عليه، وإن كنت كاذبا أريح الناس منك! فعفا عنها رسول الرحمة (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). (تاريخ ابن كثير ج 4 ص 209 وفتح الباري ج 7 ص 497).

so now we use our brain. lets suppose the hadith is true.

first of all, it is obvious from the hadith that the Prophet knew it was poison, and he didnt eat from the poisoned food.

secondly, lets say he got poisoned. what kind of poison will remain in his body for 4 years, and then take effect?

so here we conclude with certainty, that this poison could not have killed Rasulullah.

so if it isnt this poison, then which poison was it? it is very obvious in fact. theres nothing much to argue about.

My condolences to the Imam of the time for the great oppression against his grandfather, the Seal of Prophets Muhammad صلى الله عليه واله وسلم

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eidul Fitri

Suatu nama yang sering menceriakan, Eidul Fitri disambut oleh umat islam diserata dunia sebagai, menurut pendapat ramai, kejayaan meraikan sempurnanya ibadah Ramadhan yang dilaksanakan selama sebulan. Eidul Fitri, menurut mereka, adalah hari kemenangan melawan godaan hawa nafsu yang dilalui umat islam selama menjalani ibadah puasa Ramadhan.

Namun, Eidul Fitri yang bermaksud kembali kepada Fitrah sebenarnya mempunyai maksud yang jauh lebih mendalam daripada yang dinyatakan di atas. Allah berfirman di dalam kitabNya:

“Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama (Allah); (tetaplah atas) Fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut Fitrah itu. Tidak ada perubahan pada Fitrah Allah. (itulah) agama yang lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.” (Surah Ar-Rum: 30)

Kata Fitrah di dalam ayat di atas berasal daripada kata akar Fathir, salah satu daripada nama Allah yang bermakna mencipta tanpa contoh. Nama puteri tercinta Nabi Saaw, Fathimah juga berasal dari kata akar Fathir. Ini bermakna, Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang dengannya manusia itu diciptakan. Fathimah adalah ibu yang menurutnyalah manusia wujud.

Tatkala Nabi Saaw, yang oleh Al-Quran dinyatakan sebagai : “Ucapannya itu tiada lain melainkan wahyu yang diwahyukan (kepadanya)” (Surah An-Najm: 4.) Berbicara tentang Fathimah, Baginda bersabda: “Fathimah adalah ibu kepada ayahnya” (Al Istia’ab, Ibn Abd Barr) yang bermaksud bahawa Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang wujud sebagai ibu di dalam kewujudan Rasulullah Saaw itu sendiri. Dan seperti itulah juga bagi setiap manusia lainnya, kewujudan Fathimah adalah Fitrah yang terpendam di dalam jiwa-jiwa mereka tetapi “kebanyakan manusia tidak menyedarinya” (Surah Ar-Rum: 30.)

Lantaran itu, Eidul Fitri ataupun kembali kepada Fitrah bermaksud kembali kepada Fathimah, iaitu kembali kepada menghidupkan pendaman keibuan yang ditanamkan ke dalam jiwa manusia sejak awal penciptaannya.

Persoalannya, bagaimana seseorang itu dapat kembali kepada Fathimah dan apakah kaitan Eidul Fitri dengan puasa Ramadhan? Imam Sadiq a.s berkata: “Fathimah adalah Lailatul Qadar, barangsiapa yang mengenali Fathimah dengan hak makrifatnya, pasti mengetahui Lailatul Qadar.” Lailatul (malam) tertulis di dalam bentuk mu’annas (feminin) yang mana huruf Ta’nis membawa erti wahdat dan merujuk kepada Hazrat Fathimah a.s. Maka bagi mereka yang telah mengenal makrifat Fathimah, pasti akan bertemu dengan malam Qadar, dan mereka yang bertemu dengan malam Qadar pula, pasti akan terbuka pendaman-pendaman Fitrah di dalam hati-hati mereka dan hiduplah Fathimah di dalam jiwa-jiwa mereka. Maka bergembiralah mereka dengan Eidul Fitri kerana mereka telah pun kembali kepada Fitrah. Allah berfirman di dalam kitabNya : “Shibghah Allah. Dan siapakah yang lebih baik shibghahnya dari pada Allah?” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 138.)

Bertanyalah kepada diri sendiri, apakah kita benar-benar telah mengenali makrifat Fathimah yang melayakkan kita untuk bergembira menyambut EIDUL FITRI?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nabi Hanya Punya Seorang Anak Perempuan

Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali is also referred as Zaynab as-Sughra, after her older sister Sayidah Zaynab al-Kubra bint Ali. Sayidah Zaynab al-Kubra and Sayidah Zaynab as-Sughra, both the daughters of Imam Ali and Sayidah Fatimah , side by side faced the harships and oppression (from the Banu Umayyah (ln)), yet bravery in Karbala and Sham with the other ladies of the Banu Hashim, the family of Rasuwlallah .

Um-Kulthum bint Ali is one of the two daughters of Imam Ali and Sayidah Fatimah Zahra . Um-Kulthum bint Haalah was a daughter of Hadrah Khadijah's sister called Haalah whom upon death Hadrah Khadijah took guardianship of then the Holy Prophet adopted upon marriage with Hadrah Khadijah . All Haalah's 3 daughters called Um-Kulthum bint Haalah, Ruqayah bint Haalah & Zaynab bint Haalah were adopted by Rasuwlallah . Neither Rasuwlallah nor Hadrah Khadijah had any children bore to them before their blessed marriage. The holy Prophet and Hadrah Khadijah had only one daughter named Sayidah Fatimah az-Zahra (sa) and 2 sons named Qasim and Tahir, both sons desceased in early infancy.

Um-Kulthum bint Haalah, the adopted daughter of Rasulallah and Hadrah Khadijah was married to Omar or Othman. Whereas Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali was married to Muhamad ibn Jafar at-Tayaar ibn Abu-Taalib .

Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali had no children of her own, however Hadrah Abbas ibn Ali , her half-brother was like her adopted son.

'Um-Kulthum' is an old Arabic name that is joined (two words that mean one thing / ism murakkab) so it does not mean she is the mother of Kulthum but that is basically how her name is to mean something or posses something.

Rasuwlallah did refuse the hand of Omar and Othman for his only true daughter Sayidah Fatimah Zahra but waited and accepted the hand of Imam Ali ibn Abu-Taalib(as) .

The birthday / Eid Milaad of Sayidah Um-Kulthum bint Ali AKA Zaynab as-Sughra is on the 18th Rabiy al-Awwal, a day after the Milaad an-Nabi . Her sacred shrine is in Sham (now called Dimishq) in Baab as-Saghir along with many Shuhada .

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Graduan arkiteksur S1 UI. S2 Universitas Sains Malaysia. Pernah ikut suami ke Penang, Malaysia. Kini 'bekerja dengan famili.' Asal Utan Kayu, Jakarta, Indonesia